A collection of implementations of common algorithms
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7 years ago
#! /usr/bin/env python2
# counts the number of regions in a matrix
# vertically and horizontally connected
# e.g.
# [1, 0, 1, 1]
# [0, 1, 0, 0]
# [1, 1, 0, 1]
# has 4 regions
class Patch(object):
def __init__(self, visited, value):
self.visited = visited
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return "visited = %s, value = %s" % (self.visited, self.value)
def initialize(region):
for row in region:
yield [Patch(visited=False, value=field) for field in row]
testregion = list(initialize([
[True, False, True, True],
[False, True, False, False],
[True, True, False, True]
columns = len(testregion[0])
rows = len(testregion)
def exploreField(region, x, y):
# check if we've reached the edge of the matrix
if (x < 0 or y < 0):
return True
if region[y][x].visited or not region[y][x].value:
return True
except IndexError:
return True
region[y][x].visited = True
exploreField(region, y+1, x)
exploreField(region, y-1, x)
exploreField(region, y, x+1)
exploreField(region, y, x-1)
count = 0
for y, row in enumerate(testregion):
for x, patch in enumerate(row):
# if a patch is both unvisited and true
# this means exploreField will eliminate it
# so it counts as one region
if not patch.visited and patch.value:
count += 1
exploreField(testregion, x, y)
print count