Automate Scrubbing your Facebook Presence
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from ..exceptions import UnknownOSException, ChromeError
from .common import NO_CHROME_DRIVER
from clint.textui import puts, colored
from selenium import webdriver
from shutil import which
from subprocess import check_output
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from appdirs import AppDirs
from ..version import version
import os, sys, stat, platform
import progressbar
import re
import zipfile
import requests
import pathlib
cache_dir = AppDirs("DeleteFB", version=version).user_cache_dir
pathlib.Path(cache_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
except FileExistsError:
def extract_zip(filename):
Uses zipfile package to extract a single zipfile
:param filename:
:return: new filename
_file = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r')
except FileNotFoundError:
puts("{filename} Does not exist"))
# Save the name of the new file
new_file_name = f"{cache_dir}/{_file.namelist()[0]}"
# Extract the file and make it executable
driver_stat = os.stat(new_file_name)
os.chmod(new_file_name, driver_stat.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
return new_file_name
def setup_selenium(driver_path, options):
# Configures selenium to use a custom path
return webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=driver_path, options=options)
def parse_version(output):
Attempt to extract version number from chrome version string.
return [c for c in re.split('([0-9]+)\.?', output.decode("utf-8")) if all(d.isdigit() for d in c) and c][0]
def get_chrome_version(chrome_binary_path=None):
Extract the chrome major version.
driver_locations = [which(loc) for loc in ["google-chrome", "google-chrome-stable", "chromium", "chrome.exe"]]
for location in driver_locations:
if location:
return parse_version(check_output([location, "--version"]).strip())
return None
def construct_driver_url(chrome_binary_path=None):
Construct a URL to download the Chrome Driver.
platform_string = platform.system()
chrome_drivers = {
"Windows" : "{0}/",
"Darwin" : "{0}/",
"Linux" : "{0}/"
version = get_chrome_version()
if version is None:
raise ChromeError("Chrome version not found")
latest_release_url = "{0}".format(version)
return chrome_drivers.get(platform_string).format(requests.get(latest_release_url).text)
# First, construct a LATEST_RELEASE URL using Chrome's major version number.
# For example, with Chrome version 73.0.3683.86, use URL "".
# Try to download a small file from this URL. If it successful, the file contains the ChromeDriver version to use.
# If the above step failed, reduce the Chrome major version by 1 and try again.
# For example, with Chrome version 75.0.3745.4, use URL ""
# to download a small file, which contains the ChromeDriver version to use.
# You can also use ChromeDriver Canary build.
def get_webdriver(chrome_binary_path):
Ensure a webdriver is available
If Not, Download it.
webdriver_regex = re.compile('chromedriver')
web_driver = list(filter(webdriver_regex.match, cache_dir))
if web_driver:
# check if a extracted copy already exists
if not os.path.isfile(f"{cache_dir}/chromedriver"):
# Extract file
return "{0}/chromedriver".format(cache_dir)
# Download it according to the current machine
chrome_webdriver = construct_driver_url(chrome_binary_path)
if not chrome_webdriver:
raise UnknownOSException("Unknown Operating system platform")
global total_size
def show_progress(*res):
global total_size
pbar = None
downloaded = 0
block_num, block_size, total_size = res
if not pbar:
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=total_size)
downloaded += block_num * block_size
if downloaded < total_size:
puts(colored.yellow("Downloading Chrome Webdriver"))
file_name = f"{cache_dir}/{chrome_webdriver.split('/')[-1]}"
response = urlretrieve(chrome_webdriver, file_name, show_progress)
if int(response[1].get("Content-Length")) == total_size:
puts("Completed downloading the Chrome Driver."))
return extract_zip(file_name)
puts("An error Occurred While trying to download the driver."))
# remove the downloaded file and exit