A Simple IRC Bot to handle Frequently Asked Questions
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

94 lines
2.7 KiB

#! /usr/bin/racket
#lang racket
(require "irclib.rkt")
(require "commands.rkt")
(require "database.rkt")
(require "config.rkt")
(require "callbacks.rkt")
;Here is how the connection flow has to go
;First send the NICK and USER commands to the server
;Wait a few seconds for a PING, if no PING increase
;the wait time by the last time * 1.5 to a maximum of n seconds
;; Timeout combinator, tries to get output and times out if there is none
(define ((timeout-check max-wait) input?)
(letrec ([matcher
(lambda (acc)
(sleep acc)
(match (input?)
[(> acc max-wait) 'nil]
[else (matcher (* acc 1.5))])]
(display result) ;; display each line being received
(matcher 0.000015)))
;; create a timeout function
(define check (timeout-check 3))
;; Base input stuff
;; raw input getter
(define ((get-raw-input port))
(λ ()
(let ([result (read-line port 'return)])
(match result
[(? eof-object?) "done"]
[_ result])))))
;; Gets input and parses it
(define (get-input parse inport)
(let ([result ((get-raw-input inport))])
(match result
["done" "done"]
[_ (parse-input result)])))
(define (input? port)
(get-input parse-input port))
;; Sends raw text to the irc server
(define ((put-raw-output text port))
(display (format "trying to send ~a\n" text))
(display (format "~a\r\n" text) port)
(flush-output port))
;; Setting the callbacks
(define parse-input (register-callbacks privmsg-handler
;; The actual setup of the connection
;; Initial startup commands
(define (initial-work in out)
(let* ([nickname irc-username]
[username irc-username]
[realname irc-username])
(display (format "NICK ~a\r\n" nickname) out)
(display (format "USER ~a 8 * ~a\r\n" username realname) out))
(flush-output out))
;; The main loop that the bot runs in
(define (ircloop in out)
(letrec ([inner-loop
(λ ()
(match in
['nil 'nil]
[_ (match (input? in)
["done" 'nil]
['nil (inner-loop)]
((put-raw-output result out))
(initial-work in out)
(display "done initial work\n")
;; The connector, connects to a network and then passes control to the main loop
(define (connect hostname port)
(let-values ([(input output) (tcp-connect hostname port)])
(file-stream-buffer-mode output 'line)
(values input output)))
(call-with-values (λ () (connect "localhost" 6667))