A Simple IRC Bot to handle Frequently Asked Questions
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

144 lines
4.1 KiB

#lang racket
(require (planet mordae/couchdb:1:11))
(require (planet dherman/json:4:0))
(require net/base64)
(require "redis.rkt")
(require "config.rkt")
;; This module is all of the database stuff
;; as well as the ratelimiting function
; Couch Database operations
; object used to connect to the database
(define reserved-words (set "counter" "alias" "set"))
(define (database-connection database-name)
#:host (database-info "hostname")
#:port (database-info "port")
#:user (database-info "user")
#:password (database-info "pass"))
; gets a single uuid
(define (get-uuid)
(couchdb-get (database-connection "_uuids") ""))
; submits a question
(define couchdb-submit
(compose ((curry couchdb-put)
(database-connection "faqbot"))
; build the jsexpr (hasheq)
(lambda (question)
(hasheq '_id
(first question)
(second question)))
; strip all newlines
(lambda (question)
(list (first question)
(second question))))))
; trys to get a question from couchdb
(define (try-couchdb-get database id)
(with-handlers ([exn:couchdb:not-found?
(lambda (_)
(couchdb-get database id)))
; gets a question
(define couchdb-retrieve
(lambda (result)
(match result
['nil 'nil]
[_ (hash-ref result 'text)]))
((curry try-couchdb-get)
(database-connection "faqbot"))))
; strips all newlines
(define (strip-newlines text)
(match text
['nil 'nil]
[_ (regexp-replace* #rx"[\n\r]" text "")]))
; Redis Database Operations
; make a command
(define make-cmd redis-set)
; gets a specified command ID from redis
(define (get-id cmd)
(match (redis-get cmd)
['nil 'nil]
[result (match (bytes->string/utf-8 result)
['nil 'nil]
[result (match (regexp-match #rx"^[0-9a-z]*$" result)
[#f 'nil]
[_ result])])]))
; make a command alias
(define (make-alias new-cmd old-cmd)
(match (get-id old-cmd)
['nil 'nil]
[_ (make-cmd
(get-id old-cmd))]))
; associates a name with an id in Redis, then puts the question in couchdb
(define (submit-question name content)
(match name
[(? ((curry set-member?) reserved-words)) "reserved word"]
[_ (let* ([id (caar (hash-values [get-uuid]))])
(make-cmd name id)
(couchdb-submit (list id content)))]))
; gets an id associated with a name from Redis, then gets the question from couchdb
(define (get-question name)
(let* ([id (get-id name)])
(match id
['nil 'nil]
[_ (match (couchdb-retrieve id)
['nil (redis-del! name) ; if there is nothing in the database
'nil] ; then remove it
[result result])])))
;; Rate Limiting
; if |hC Current| > k, then set hC to Current, and hN to 0, and allow
; if |hC Current| < k and hN == n, then deny
; if |hC Current| < k, and hN < n, then allow, and increment hN by 1
(define (bytes->number x)
(string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 x)))
; Is there a built-in Racket function to convert byte strings to floats?
(define (time-magnitude a b)
(abs (- b (bytes->number a))))
(define (rate-check-helper mag hN n k)
(let ([hN (bytes->number hN)])
[(and (> k mag) (= hN n)) #f]
[(and (< mag k) (< hN n)) (redis-hincrby "counter" "n" "1") #t]
[else (redis-hset "counter" "n" "0")
(redis-hset "counter" "current" (number->string (current-inexact-milliseconds)))
(define ((rate-check n k))
(let* ([counter (redis-hvals "counter")]
[current-time (current-inexact-milliseconds)])
(let* ([hC-Current (time-magnitude (second counter) current-time)])
(rate-check-helper hC-Current (first counter) n k))))
; Allows no more than 6 commands every 45 seconds
; resets after 5 minutes have passed from the last time it was reset
(define allowed? (rate-check 10 (* 2 60000)))
;; Admin Stuff
(provide (all-defined-out))