A Simple IRC Bot to handle Frequently Asked Questions
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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;;; redis.rkt
;;; Implements an interface to the redis persistent key-value
;;; database. Communicates with the database through its TCP
;;; interface.
#lang racket
(require racket/date)
(define-struct connection (in out cust))
(define (connect)
(let ([cust (make-custodian)])
(parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
(let-values ([(in out) (tcp-connect "localhost" 6379)])
(make-connection in out cust)))))
(define current-connection (make-parameter (connect)))
(define (disconnect!)
(define conn (current-connection))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:network? void])
(close-output-port (connection-out conn)))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:network? void])
(close-input-port (connection-in conn))))
(define send-command
(lambda commands
(define out (connection-out (current-connection)))
(fprintf out "*~a\r\n" (length commands))
(for-each (lambda (command)
(fprintf out "$~a\r\n~a\r\n"
(flush-output out)))
(define-struct exn:redis (message))
(define (read-reply)
(define in (connection-in (current-connection)))
(match (read-bytes 1 in)
[#"-" (read-line in 'return-linefeed)]
[#"+" (read-line in 'return-linefeed)]
[#"$" (read-bulk-reply in)]
[#"*" (read-multi-bulk-reply in)]
[#":" (string->number (read-line in 'return-linefeed))]
[_ (raise (make-exn:redis (format "invalid control character: ~a"
(read-byte in))))]))
(define (read-bulk-reply in)
(let ([length (string->number (read-line in 'return-linefeed))])
(match length
[-1 'nil]
[_ (begin0 (read-bytes length in)
(read-line in 'return-linefeed))])))
(define (read-multi-bulk-reply in)
(let ([length (string->number (read-line in 'return-linefeed))])
(build-list length
(lambda (_) (read-reply)))))
(define (redis-ping)
(send-command "PING")
;; Connection handling
(define (redis-quit)
(send-command "QUIT")
(define (redis-auth)
(send-command "AUTH")
;; Commands operating on all value types
(define (redis-exists? key)
(send-command "EXISTS" key)
(match (read-reply)
[1 #t]
[0 #f]))
(define redis-del!
(lambda keys
(apply send-command `("DEL" ,@keys))
(define (redis-type key)
(send-command "TYPE" key)
(string->symbol (read-reply)))
(define (redis-keys pattern)
(send-command "KEYS" pattern)
(define (redis-randomkey)
(send-command "RANDOMKEY")
(define (redis-rename! oldkey newkey)
(send-command "RENAME" oldkey newkey)
(define (redis-renamenx! oldkey newkey)
(send-command "RENAME" oldkey newkey)
(match (read-reply)
[1 #t]
[0 #f]))
(define (redis-dbsize)
(send-command "DBSIZE")
(define (redis-expire! key seconds)
(send-command "EXPIRE" key seconds)
(define (redis-expireat! key date)
(send-command "EXPIREAT" key (date->seconds date))
(define (redis-ttl key)
(send-command "TTL" key)
(define (redis-select key)
(send-command "SELECT" key)
(define (redis-move key dbindex)
(send-command "MOVE" key dbindex)
(define (redis-flushdb)
(send-command "FLUSHDB")
(define (redis-flushall)
(send-command "FLUSHALL")
(define (redis-set key value)
(send-command "SET" key value)
(define (redis-get key)
(send-command "GET" key)
(define (redis-getset key value)
(send-command "GETSET" key value)
(define redis-mget
(lambda keys
(apply send-command `("MGET" ,@keys)
(define (redis-incrby key n)
(send-command "INCRBY" key n)
;; Hash commands
(define (redis-hset key field value)
(send-command "HSET" key field value)
(define (redis-hget key field)
(send-command "HGET" key field)
(define (redis-hgetall key)
(send-command "HGETALL" key)
(define (redis-hincrby key field num)
(send-command "HINCRBY" key field num)
(define (redis-hincrbyfloat key field num)
(send-command "HINCRBYFLOAT" key field num)
(define (redis-hkeys key)
(send-command "HKEYS" key)
(define (redis-hvals key)
(send-command "HVALS" key)
(provide (all-defined-out))