#! /usr/bin/racket #lang racket (require xml) (require xml/path) (require net/url) (require racket/string) (require readline/readline) (require "categorize.rkt") (define (create-config path ex) (let ([password (readline "Your wordpress password? ")] [username (readline "Your wordpress username? ")] [blog-location (readline "Where is the blog directory? ")] [conf (open-output-file path)]) (displayln (format "password = ~a" password) conf) (displayln (format "username = ~a" username) conf) (displayln (format "blog-location = ~a" blog-location) conf) (close-output-port conf) (new-config path))) (define valid-config-keys ; The list of all valid configuration keys ; i.e. what you can put on the left side of an = in your config (list "password" "username" "url" "blog-location")) (define (valid-key? key) ; Check if a key is in the list of valid ones (memf (curry equal? key) valid-config-keys)) (define (new-config path) (with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem:errno? (curry create-config path)]) (let* ([config-file (open-input-file path)] [lines (string-split (port->string config-file) "\n")] [config (make-hash)]) (for ([line lines] #:unless (string=? line "")) (match (map string-trim (string-split line "=")) [(list key val) (cond [(valid-key? key) (hash-set! config (string->symbol key) val)] [else (error (format "Invalid configuration line: ~a" val))])])) (curry hash-ref config)))) (define (in-blog?) (equal? (string-trim (system-result "pwd")) (path->string (path->directory-path (string->path (your-config 'blog-location)))))) ; The current list of commits (as a dynamically scoped name) (define current-commits (make-parameter (list))) ; The current configuration (define your-config (new-config "/home/wes/.config/gitblog.conf")) (define password (make-parameter #f)) (define username (make-parameter #f)) ; Run a command and get the string written to stdout (define (system-result command) (match (process command) [(list out in pid errport _) (let ([result (port->string out)] [err-result (port->string out)]) (close-input-port out) (close-output-port in) (close-input-port errport) (cond [(not (string=? "" (string-trim result))) result] [else #f]))])) ; XML-RPC string (define (xstring str) `(value (string ,str))) ; XML-RPC int (define (xint int) `(value (int ,(number->string int)))) ; XML-RPC array (define (xarray members) `(array ,(cons 'data members))) ; XML-RPC struct (define (xstruct members) (cons 'struct (for/list ([member members]) `(member (name ,(car member)) ,(cadr member))))) ; Puts the tags and categories into a terms_names struct (define (terms-names tags categories) (xstruct `(("post_tag" ,(xarray (map xstring tags))) ("category" ,(xarray (map xstring categories)))))) ; Calls an arbitrary wordpress XML-RPC method (define (method-call name args) `(methodCall (methodName ,(symbol->string name)) ,(cons 'params (for/list ([arg args]) `(param ,arg))))) ; Creates a new post (define (new-post post-title post-content terms_names) (method-call 'wp.newPost (list (xint 1) (username) (password) (xstruct `(("post_title" ,(xstring post-title)) ("post_status" ,(xstring "draft")) ("post_author" ,(xint 1)) ("post_excerpt" ,(xstring (substring post-content 20))) ("post_content" ,(xstring post-content)) ("terms_names" ,terms_names)))))) (define (delete-post post-id) (method-call 'wp.deletePost (list (xint 1) (username) (password) (xint post-id)))) ; Updates an existing post (define (edit-post post-title post-content post-id terms-names) (method-call 'wp.editPost (list (xint 1) (username) (password) (xint post-id) (xstruct `(("post_title" ,(xstring post-title)) ("post_excerpt" ,(xstring (substring post-content 20))) ("post_content" ,(xstring post-content)) ("terms_names" ,terms-names)))))) (define (get-post-id result) (se-path* '(string) (string->xexpr result))) ; Writes a post to the blog (define (write-post post-id title content tags categories) (get-post-id (port->string (post-pure-port (string->url (your-config 'url)) (string->bytes/utf-8 (xexpr->string (cond [(not post-id) (new-post title content (terms-names tags categories))] [else (edit-post title content post-id (terms-names tags categories))]))))))) ; Deletes a post (define (rm-post post-id) (port->string (post-pure-port (string->url (your-config 'url)) (string->bytes/utf-8 (xexpr->string (delete-post post-id)))))) ; Returns a list of all modified post files in this commit (define (get-files) (map string-split (string-split (with-output-to-string (lambda () (system "git status --short | grep -E '\\.post$'"))) "\n"))) ; Returns the latest commit message ; Intended to run in the post-commit hook ; since you have to actually write the commit msg first (define (get-commit-msg) (system-result "git log -1 HEAD | tail -n 1 | sed s/^[[:space:]]*// | tr -d '\\n'")) ; Parses a post file and returns the components (define (parse-post categories tags text) (let ([lines (string-split text "\n")]) (values (car lines) (string-join (cdr lines) "\n") tags categories))) ; Writes a new post and returns its post id (define (handle-post categories tags status post post-id) (match status [(? (lambda (x) (ormap (curry equal? x) (list "A" "M")))) (call-with-values (lambda () (parse-post categories tags (port->string (open-input-file post)))) (curry write-post post-id))] ["D" (displayln post-id) (rm-post post-id)] [m (displayln (format "Untracked file ~a" m))])) ; Get a list of all commit refs (define (get-commits) (string-split (match (system-result "git rev-list master") [#f ""] [str str]) "\n")) ; Convert a commit ref into its post ID number (if it exists) (define (commit->post-id post-name commit-ref) (string->number (commit->value post-name commit-ref))) (define (commit->value key ref) (string-trim (system-result (format "git notes --ref=~a show ~a" key ref)))) (define (git-notes-ref post-name commit-ref) (let ([result (string-trim (match (system-result (format "git notes --ref=~a show ~a" post-name commit-ref)) [#f ""] [str str]))]) result)) ; Grab a value given a key ; Return the default value if it is set ; otherwise raise an exception (define git-href (let ([def-val (gensym)]) (lambda (post-name [default def-val]) (match (memf (lambda (commit-ref) (let ([notes (git-notes-ref post-name commit-ref)]) (match notes ["" #f] [result #t]))) (current-commits)) [(list-rest commit-id _) commit-id] [_ (cond [(eq? def-val default) (raise (exn:fail (format "git-href: no value found for key\n\t~a" post-name) (current-continuation-marks)))] [else default])])))) ; Add or refresh a key associated with that value (define (git-set! key val) (system (format "git notes --ref=~a add HEAD -fm \"~a\"" key val))) ; Add tags associated with a post (define (add-tag! post tag) (git-set! (format "~a.tags" post) tag)) ; Get tags from the git notes (define (get-tags post) (let* ([key (format "~a.tags" post)] [ref (git-href key #f)]) (cond [(not ref) (list "default")] [else (let ([tag-string (commit->value key ref)]) (parse-tags tag-string))]))) (define (parse-tags tag) (map (lambda (st) (substring st 1)) (string-split tag ":"))) (define (to-tag-string taglist) (string-join (map (curry format "#~a") taglist) ":")) ; Check the environment variables for any new tags (define (new-tags) (let* ([environ (current-environment-variables)] [names (environment-variables-names environ)] [names* (filter (compose1 (curry regexp-match #rx"^.+_tags$") string-foldcase bytes->string/utf-8) names)] [names-hash (make-hash)]) (for ([name names*]) (let ([tag-string (bytes->string/utf-8 (environment-variables-ref environ name))]) (hash-set! names-hash (bytes->string/utf-8 name) (parse-tags tag-string)))) names-hash)) ; Any new tags in environment variables (define current-tags (new-tags)) ; For looking at any environment variables with new tags (define (get-current-tag post) (hash-ref current-tags (format "~a_tags" (regexp-replace* #px"\\/|\\." post "_")) #f)) ; For checking if there are existing tags for a post (define (check-tags post) (match (get-current-tag post) [#f (match (get-tags post) [#f (list "default")] [tags (add-tag! post (to-tag-string tags)) tags])] [tags (add-tag! post (to-tag-string tags)) tags])) ; For adding tags from the shell (define (add-tag-env post tag) (let ([current-tags (get-current-tag post)] [tag-set! (lambda (tagstr) (environment-variables-set! (current-environment-variables) (string->bytes/utf-8 (regexp-replace* #px"\\/|\\." post "_")) (string->bytes/utf-8 tagstr)))]) (match current-tags [#f ; there haven't been any tags added yet (tag-set! tag)] [(? list?) (tag-set! (string-join (cons tag current-tags) ":"))]))) ;(parameterize ([current-commits (get-commits)]) ; Run when a commit of one or more posts occurs (define (commit-posts) (parameterize ([blog-location (your-config 'blog-location)]) (for ([post-file (get-files)]) (let* ([post-status (car post-file)] [post (cadr post-file)] [categories (get-categories post)] [tags (check-tags post)]) (displayln current-tags) (match (git-href post #f) [#f (when (empty? (current-commits)) ; Add a first commit if there are none so it can store the note properly! (system "git commit -n --allow-empty -m \"bootstrap blog\"")) (git-set! post (handle-post categories tags post-status post #f))] [commit-id (let ([post-id (commit->post-id post commit-id)]) (git-set! post post-id) (handle-post categories tags post-status post post-id))]))))) (provide git-href git-set! commit-posts new-config get-commits get-commit-msg current-commits your-config password username xstring in-blog? add-tag-env)