Hash Tree implementation in Haskell
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12 years ago
module HashTrees where
import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
data HashTree k a = Leaf | HashTree (Digest k) (HashTree k a) (HashTree k a) deriving (Show)
groupsOf _ ([]) = []
groupsOf n xs = case splitAt n xs of
(a, as) -> a : (groupsOf n as)
groupsOf2 xs = map (\(x:y:[]) -> (x,y)) $ groupsOf 2 xs
hashCatInner (h1, h2) = sha1 $ BL.concat [(bytestringDigest h1), (bytestringDigest h2), BL.singleton 1]
hashes = map sha1
singletonTrees xs = map (\x -> HashTree x Leaf Leaf) xs
reduceHashes xs = map (\((HashTree x _ _), (HashTree y _ _)) -> HashTree (hashCatInner (x,y)) Leaf Leaf) (groupsOf2 xs)
combineTrees (HashTree x _ _) (t1, t2) = HashTree x t1 t2
combineTreeLists lower upper = zipWith combineTrees upper (groupsOf2 lower)
buildPreliminaryLevels ([x]) = [[x]]
buildPreliminaryLevels xs = xs : (buildPreliminaryLevels $ (reduceHashes xs))
buildTree' :: [HashTree k t] -> [[HashTree k t]] -> [HashTree k t]
buildTree' acc ([]) = acc
buildTree' acc (x:xs) = buildTree' (combineTreeLists acc x) xs
buildTree = (\x -> buildTree' (head x) (tail x)) . buildPreliminaryLevels . singletonTrees . hashes . (map (\x -> BL.concat [x,BL.singleton 0])) . padHashes
-- Padding functions
nextPowerOf n = 2 ^ (ceiling $ logBase 2 $ fromIntegral n)
padHashes xs = pad' 0 xs where
pad' n ([]) = [] ++ (take ((nextPowerOf n) - n) $ repeat BL.empty)
pad' n (x:xs) = x : (pad' (n +1) xs)