A very basic IRC bot in Haskell
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

84 lines
1.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module IRCParser where
5 years ago
import Data.Text (strip)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.ByteString (pack)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
import Control.Applicative
5 years ago
import Data.Either.Combinators (rightToMaybe)
import Types
5 years ago
stripWhitespace = filter $ (all id) . (sequence $ map (/=) [" ", "\r", "\n", ""])
space = word8 32
notSpace = notWord8 32
5 years ago
colon = word8 58 -- :
-- 13 = \r, 10 = \n
crlf c = c == 13 || c == 10
5 years ago
bang = (== 33) -- !
atsign = (== 64) -- @
isSpace = (== 32)
parseNick = takeWhile1 (not . bang)
parseUsername = do
_ <- word8 33
username <- takeWhile1 (not . atsign)
return username
parseHostmask = do
_ <- word8 64
hostmask <- takeWhile1 (not . isSpace)
return hostmask
parseSource = do
nickname <- parseNick
username <- parseUsername
hostmask <- parseHostmask
return $ Source
(decodeUtf8 nickname)
(decodeUtf8 username)
(decodeUtf8 hostmask)
command = choice $ map string ["PRIVMSG", "PART", "JOIN", "QUIT", "PING"]
argument = takeWhile1 (\c -> c /= 58 && c /= 32)
parseFinalArg = do
_ <- colon
command <- takeWhile1 (not . crlf)
return command
parseArgs = do
args <- (argument `sepBy` space) <|> alwaysMatch []
_ <- space <|> (alwaysMatch 0)
finalArg <- parseFinalArg <|> (alwaysMatch "")
5 years ago
return $ args ++ [finalArg]
source = do
_ <- colon
source <- manyTill notSpace space
return source
-- Matches any character and does not consume input
-- Returns value passed in
alwaysMatch x = (maybe x (const x)) <$> peekWord8
parseMessage = do
sourceName <- source <|> (alwaysMatch [])
commandName <- command
_ <- space
arguments <- parseArgs
5 years ago
let source = parseOnly parseSource $ pack sourceName
return $ Message
(rightToMaybe source)
(decodeUtf8 commandName)
(map strip $ stripWhitespace $ map decodeUtf8 arguments)
runParseMessage = parseOnly parseMessage