#include #include #include #include #include #include "bfilter.h" int printbits(uint32_t n, size_t c) { uint32_t i = c-1; while (n >= 2) { printf("%d", n & 1); i--; n >>= 1; } printf("%d", n & 1); return 0; } int print_barray(bit_array_t *arr) { for(uint32_t i = 0; i < arr->num_ints; i++) { printbits(arr->arr[i], arr->num_elems/arr->num_ints); } printf("\n"); return 0; } bit_array_t* empty_bfilter(int size) { int width = (size/32) + 1; // 32 for a 32 bit int uint32_t *barray = xcalloc(width, (sizeof (int))); bit_array_t *result = xcalloc(1, sizeof (bit_array_t)); result->arr = barray; result->num_ints = width; result->num_elems = width*32; return result; } int setbit(bit_array_t *arr, int k) { if ((uint32_t)k >= arr->num_elems) { printf("Tried to set a bit beyond the current limit, limit = %zu, k = %d\nExiting...\n", arr->num_elems, k); exit(1); } /* The position in the int we're looking at */ int i = k/32; /* The position of the int in the array */ int pos = k % 32; unsigned int flag = 1; /* Shift the flag to the position of the bit we want to set */ flag = flag << pos; arr->arr[i] = arr->arr[i] | flag; return 0; } int unsetbit(bit_array_t *arr, int k) { if ((uint32_t)k >= arr->num_elems) { printf("Tried to set a bit beyond the current limit, limit = %zu, k = %d\nExiting...\n", arr->num_elems, k); exit(1); } int i = k/32; int pos = k % 32; unsigned int flag = 1; flag = ~(flag << pos); arr->arr[i] = arr->arr[i] & flag; return 0; } int getbit(bit_array_t *arr, int k) { int i = k/32; int pos = k % 32; unsigned int flag = 1; flag = flag << pos; if (arr->arr[i] & flag) { // k-th bit is 1 return 1; } else { // k-th bit is 0 return 0; } } fnv_hashes_t hash_fnv(const char* value) { uint64_t hval; fnv_hashes_t hashes; fnv64Init(&hval); fnv64UpdateBuffer(&hval, value, strlen(value)); uint32_t n_0 = hval >> 32; uint32_t n_1 = hval & 0x00000000ffffffff; hashes.hash_1 = n_0; hashes.hash_2 = n_1; return hashes; } uint32_t kth_hash(fnv_hashes_t hashes, uint32_t i, size_t m) { return (hashes.hash_1 + hashes.hash_2 * i) % m; } hashes_t hash(const char *input, uint32_t k, size_t m) { fnv_hashes_t fnv = hash_fnv(input); if (k <= 2) { hashes_t hashes = xcalloc(2, (sizeof (uint32_t))); hashes[0] = fnv.hash_1 % m; hashes[1] = fnv.hash_2 % m; return hashes; } hashes_t hashes = xcalloc(k, (sizeof (uint32_t))); hashes[0] = fnv.hash_1 % m; hashes[1] = fnv.hash_2 % m; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < (k-2); i++) { hashes[i+2] = kth_hash(fnv, i+2, m); } return hashes; } int bfilter_set(bit_array_t *filter, const char *key, int k) { if (k <= 2) { k = 2; } hashes_t hashes = hash(key, k, filter->num_elems); for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) { setbit(filter, hashes[i]); } free(hashes); return 0; } int bfilter_get(bit_array_t *filter, const char*key, int k) { if (k <= 2) { k = 2; } hashes_t hashes = hash(key, k, filter->num_elems); int exists = 1; for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (!getbit(filter, hashes[i])) { exists = 0; } } free(hashes); return exists; } int release_bfilter(bit_array_t *filter) { free(filter->arr); free(filter); return 0; } #ifndef LIB int main (void) { bit_array_t *test = empty_bfilter(4000); int k = 20; const char *test_string = "what tf is this I can't even, lololol"; const char *test_string2 = "tf is this I can't even, lololol"; const char *test_string3 = "tf is blah blablablah can't even, lololol"; const char *test_string4 = "tf 't even, lololol"; const char *test_string5 = "tf aaasdasdsd't even, lololol"; const char *test_string6 = "asdsdfsdfsdftf aaasdasdsd't even, lololol"; const char *test_string7 = "weretrert ewerr eaaasdasdsd't even, lololol"; const char *test_string8 = "weretrert ewerr asdfert34234234even, lololol"; const char *test_string9 = "edsfefsdfwerr asdfert34234234even, lololol"; const char *test_string10 = "edsfefsdfwerr sdfdgfgdfgdfg, lololol"; const char *test_string11 = "this isn't actually in the bloom filter"; bfilter_set(test, test_string, k); bfilter_set(test, test_string2, k); bfilter_set(test, test_string3, k); bfilter_set(test, test_string4, k); bfilter_set(test, test_string5, k); bfilter_set(test, test_string6, k); bfilter_set(test, test_string7, k); bfilter_set(test, test_string8, k); bfilter_set(test, test_string9, k); bfilter_set(test, test_string10, k); bfilter_set(test, test_string11, k); printf("%d\n", bfilter_get(test, test_string7, k)); printf("%d\n", bfilter_get(test, test_string10, k)); printf("%d\n", bfilter_get(test, test_string10, k)); printf("%d\n", bfilter_get(test, test_string10, k)); printf("%d\n", bfilter_get(test, test_string10, k)); printf("%d\n", bfilter_get(test, test_string10, k)); printf("%d\n", bfilter_get(test, test_string10, k)); release_bfilter(test); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif