A full featured blog in RiotJS
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

141 lines
4.3 KiB

#! /usr/bin/python
import couchdb
import mistune
from werkzeug.local import Local, LocalProxy, LocalManager
from couchdb.http import ResourceConflict, ResourceNotFound
from flask import jsonify, g
from flask_marshmallow import Marshmallow
def get_mistune():
markdown = getattr(g, "markdown", None)
if markdown is None:
markdown = g._markdown = mistune.Markdown()
return markdown
markdown = LocalProxy(get_mistune)
class Posts:
def __init__(self, user, password, host=None, port=None):
if host is None:
host = "localhost"
if port is None:
port = "5984"
self.client = couchdb.Server("http://%s:%s" % (host, port))
self.client.credentials = (user, password)
self.db = self.client["blog"]
def savepost(self, title="", content="", author="", category="programming", _id=False):
if _id:
doc = self.db[_id]
doc["title"] = title
doc["content"] = content
doc["author"] = author
doc["category"] = category
doc = {
"title" : title,
"content" : content,
"author" : author,
"type" : "post"
7 years ago
print("post was saved %s" % doc)
return jsonify(self.db.save(doc))
7 years ago
def getpost(self, _id, category="programming", json=True):
results = self.db.iterview("blogPosts/blog-posts", 1, include_docs=True, startkey=_id)
post = [result.doc for result in results][0]
post["content"] = markdown(post["content"])
return jsonify(post) if json else post
def getinitial(self):
results = list(self.db.iterview("blogPosts/blog-posts", 2, include_docs=True))
post = [result.doc for result in results][0]
post["content"] = markdown(post["content"])
return post
def iterpost(self, endkey=False, startkey=False, category="programming"):
if startkey and not endkey:
results = self.db.iterview("blogPosts/blog-posts", 2, include_docs=True, startkey=startkey)
elif endkey and not startkey:
results = self.db.iterview("blogPosts/blog-posts", 1, include_docs=True, endkey=endkey)
results = self.db.iterview("blogPosts/blog-posts", 2, include_docs=True)
docs = [result.doc for result in results]
for doc in docs:
doc["content"] = markdown(doc["content"])
if not docs:
return jsonify("end")
if endkey and not startkey:
if len(docs) < 2 or docs[0] == endkey:
return jsonify("start")
return jsonify(docs[-2])
if len(docs) == 1:
return jsonify(docs[0])
if docs:
# if no startkey or endkey were specified, return the 0th post
return jsonify(docs[1 if startkey else 0])
return jsonify("end")
def allposts(self):
result = self.db.iterview("blogPosts/blog-posts", 10, include_docs=True)
posts = []
for item in result:
"_id" : item.doc["_id"],
"title" : item.doc["title"],
"author" : item.doc["author"]
return jsonify(posts)
7 years ago
def links(self, json=True):
7 years ago
result = list(self.db.iterview("blogPosts/links", 1, include_docs=True))
if len(result) >= 1:
7 years ago
xs = result[0].doc.get("links", [])
return jsonify(xs) if json else xs
7 years ago
return []
def delete(self, _id):
doc = self.db[_id]
return jsonify(True)
except (ResourceNotFound, ResourceConflict) as e:
return jsonify(False)
def categories(self):
return jsonify(
c["key"][1] for c in
endkey=["category", {}],