#! /usr/bin/python import couchdb import mistune from json import dumps from collections import defaultdict from werkzeug.local import Local, LocalProxy, LocalManager from couchdb.http import ResourceConflict, ResourceNotFound from flask import jsonify, g from flask_marshmallow import Marshmallow from itertools import chain def get_mistune(): markdown = getattr(g, "markdown", None) if markdown is None: markdown = g._markdown = mistune.Markdown() return markdown markdown = LocalProxy(get_mistune) class Posts: def __init__(self, user, password, name, host=None, port=None): if host is None: host = "" if port is None: port = "5984" host = "" port = "5984" self.client = couchdb.Server("http://%s:%s" % (host, port)) self.client.credentials = (user, password) self.db = self.client[name] self.iterpost = self.postIterator("blogPosts/blog-posts") def savepost(self, title="", content="", author="", categories=[], _id=False, draft=True): """ Save a post """ if _id: doc = self.db[_id] doc["title"] = title doc["content"] = content doc["author"] = author doc["categories"] = categories doc["_id"] = _id doc["draft"] = draft else: doc = { "title" : title, "content" : content, "author" : author, "categories" : categories, "type" : "post", "draft" : draft } print("post was saved %s" % doc) return jsonify(self.db.save(doc)) def getpost(self, _id, json=True, convert=True, unpublished=False): """ Get a post by id """ if unpublished: results = self.db.iterview("blogPosts/unpublished", 1, include_docs=True, startkey=_id) else: results = self.db.iterview("blogPosts/blog-posts", 1, include_docs=True, startkey=_id) post = [result.doc for result in results][0] post["content"] = markdown(post["content"]) if convert else post["content"] return jsonify(post) if json else post def getinitial(self): """ Get the initial post to start from """ results = list(self.db.iterview("blogPosts/blog-posts", 2, include_docs=True)) posts = [result.doc for result in results] # if there are no posts, return a defaultdict instead if len(posts) == 0: return defaultdict(str) post = posts[0] post["content"] = markdown(post["content"]) return post def postIterator(self, viewname): """ Post pagination """ def inner(endkey=False, startkey=False): if startkey and not endkey: results = self.db.iterview(viewname, 2, include_docs=True, startkey=startkey) elif endkey and not startkey: results = self.db.iterview(viewname, 1, include_docs=True, endkey=endkey) else: results = self.db.iterview(viewname, 2, include_docs=True) docs = [result.doc for result in results] for doc in docs: doc["content"] = markdown(doc["content"]) if not docs: return jsonify("end") if endkey and not startkey: if len(docs) < 2 or docs[0] == endkey: return jsonify("start") return jsonify(docs[-2]) if len(docs) == 1: return jsonify(docs[0]) if docs: # if no startkey or endkey were specified, return the 0th post return jsonify(docs[1 if startkey else 0]) return jsonify("end") return inner def allposts(self): """ Gets all of the post IDs in the database. May be inefficient. """ result = self.db.iterview("blogPosts/unpublished", 10, include_docs=True) posts = [] for item in result: posts.append({ "_id" : item.doc["_id"], "title" : item.doc["title"], "author" : item.doc["author"] }) return jsonify(posts) def links(self, json=True): """ Get the links we want to show """ result = list(self.db.iterview("blogPosts/links", 1, include_docs=True)) # make sure there are results if len(result) >= 1: xs = result[0].doc.get("links", []) return jsonify(xs) if json else xs return [] def delete(self, _id): doc = self.db[_id] try: self.db.delete(doc) return jsonify(True) except (ResourceNotFound, ResourceConflict) as e: print(e) return jsonify(False) def categories(self): """ Get the full list of all categories """ # the view returns a list of lists of category names # we want to get the unique ones in a flat list return list(set(chain.from_iterable([ c["key"][1] for c in self.db.view("blogPosts/categories", startkey=["categories"], startkey_docid=["categories"], endkey=["categories", {}], inclusive_end=False, reduce=True, group_level=2, group=True) ]))) def browse(self, limit, startkey=False, endkey=False, categories=[], json=True): args = { "num" : limit, "categories" : dumps(categories) } if startkey: args["startkey"] = startkey args["startkey_docid"] = startkey if endkey: args["endkey"] = endkey args["getlast"] = "true" results = self.db.list( "blogPosts/categories", "blogPosts/format", **args) if len(results) == 0: return jsonify([]) posts = [] for categories, post in results[1].get("results", []): post["content"] = markdown(post["content"]) posts.append([categories, post]) return jsonify(posts) if json else posts