A full featured blog in RiotJS
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

238 lines
6.9 KiB

#! /usr/bin/python3
from functools import partial
from collections import defaultdict
from os import environ
from flask import abort, Flask, render_template, flash, request, send_from_directory, jsonify, g
from werkzeug.local import Local, LocalProxy, LocalManager
from flask_appconfig import AppConfig
from flask_login import LoginManager, login_required, login_user
from flask_wtf.csrf import CSRFProtect
from flask.ext.cache import Cache
from urllib.parse import unquote
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
from json import dumps, loads
from admin import Admin
from werkzeug.contrib.cache import MemcachedCache
from posts import Posts
from projects import getProjects
memcache = MemcachedCache([''])
cache = Cache(config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'memcached'})
login_manager = LoginManager()
def cacheit(key, thunk):
Explicit memcached caching
cached = memcache.get(quote(key))
if cached is None:
print("cache miss for %s" % key)
result = thunk()
memcache.set(quote(key), result)
return result
print("cache hit for %s" % key)
return cached
def get_posts():
posts = getattr(g, "posts", None)
if posts is None:
posts = g._posts = Posts(app.config["COUCHDB_USER"],
return posts
def get_initial():
initial_post = getattr(g, "initial_post", None)
if initial_post is None:
initial_post = g._initial_post = posts.getinitial()
return initial_post
def NeverWhere(configfile=None):
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD"] = True
app.config["COUCHDB_SERVER"] = "http://localhost:5984"
app.config["COUCHDB_DATABASE"] = "blog"
#def favicon():
#return send_from_directory("/srv/http/goal/favicon.ico",
#'favicon.ico', mimetype='image/vnd.microsoft.icon')
# Set template variables to be injected
def inject_variables():
postcontent = defaultdict(str)
postcontent["title"] = initial_post["title"]
return {
"quote" : quote,
"postid" : initial_post["_id"],
"postcontent" : postcontent,
"links" : dumps([]),
"projects" : dumps([])
def load_user(user_id):
return Admin
@app.route("/blog/admin_login", methods=("GET", "POST"))
def admin_login():
password = request.args.get("password")
success = False
if password == app.config["ADMIN_PASSWORD"]:
print("logged in successfully")
success = True
print("did not log in successfully")
return render_template("login.html", success=success)
# page routes
@app.route("/blog/posts/", methods=("GET",))
def renderInitial():
return render_template("index.html",
@app.route("/blog/projects", methods=("GET",))
def showProjects():
return render_template("index.html", page="projects")
@app.route("/blog/links", methods=("GET",))
def showLinks():
return render_template("index.html",
@app.route("/blog/about", methods=("GET",))
def showAbout():
return render_template("index.html", page="about")
@app.route("/blog/", methods=("GET", "POST"))
def index():
return renderInitial()
# get the next post
@app.route("/blog/posts/<_id>", methods=("GET",))
def renderPost(_id):
post_content = loads(
lambda: dumps(posts.getpost(_id, json=False)))
return render_template("index.html",
def getpostid(pid, category):
return posts.iterpost(startkey=pid, category=category)
# get the post previous to this one
def prevpost(pid, category):
return posts.iterpost(endkey=pid, category=category)
# get the contents of any post
def getpost(_id, category):
return posts.getpost(_id, category=category)
# get the id of every post
def allposts():
return posts.allposts()
def categories():
return posts.categories()
# remove a post
def delete(_id):
return posts.delete(_id)
# editor routes
@app.route("/blog/editor/", methods=("GET", "POST"))
def editor():
View the post editor, requires auth
return render_template("write.html")
@app.route("/blog/insert/", methods=("POST",))
def insert():
Insert a post, requires auth
author = request.form.get("author", "no author")
title = request.form.get("title", "no title")
content = request.form.get("content", "no content")
postid = request.form.get("_id", False)
post = {
"author" : author,
"title" : title,
"content" : content,
"_id" : postid
return posts.savepost(**post)
@app.route("/blog/glinks/", methods=("GET",))
def links():
Get links
return posts.links()
@app.route("/blog/ghprojects", methods=("GET",))
def projects():
return jsonify(loads(cacheit("projects", getProjects)))
return app
app = NeverWhere()
def teardown_couchdb(exception):
posts = getattr(g, 'posts', None)
if posts is not None:
del posts.db
posts = LocalProxy(get_posts)
initial_post = LocalProxy(get_initial)
csrf = CSRFProtect()
if __name__ == "__main__":
NeverWhere().run(host="localhost", port=8001, debug=True)