import x11/xlib, x11/xutil, x11/x, x11/keysym import threadpool, osproc, tables, sequtils, posix, strformat, os, sugar, options, strutils, algorithm var root : TWindow proc handleBadWindow(display : PDisplay, ev : PXErrorEvent) : cint {.cdecl.} = # resourceID maps to the Window's XID # ev.resourceID echo "Bad window", ": ", ev.resourceid 0 proc handleIOError(display : PDisplay) : cint {.cdecl.} = 0 proc cstringToNim(cst : cstring) : Option[string] = var nst = newString(cst.len) if nst.len > 0: copyMem(addr(nst[0]), cst, cst.len) return some(nst) none(string) template HandleKey(key : TKeySym, body : untyped) : untyped = block: if (XLookupKeySym(cast[PXKeyEvent](ev.xkey.addr), 0) == key.cuint): body template RunProcess(procedure : untyped) : untyped = block: let p = procedure() openProcesses[p.processID] = p spawn handleProcess(p) type WinPropKind = enum pkString, pkCardinal, pkAtom, pkWindow WinProp = ref object of RootObj name : string case kind: WinPropKind of pkString: strProp : string of pkCardinal: cardinalProp : seq[uint] of pkAtom: atomProps : seq[string] of pkWindow: windowProps : seq[TWindow] type Window = ref object of RootObj x : cint y : cint width : cint height : cint win : TWindow screen : PScreen props : seq[WinProp] type Zipper[T] = tuple[ lhs: seq[T], rhs: seq[T] ] proc zipperFocus[T](zipper: Zipper[T]) : Option[T] = if zipper.rhs.len > 0: some(zipper.rhs[0]) else: none(T) proc zipperMove[T](zipper: Zipper[T], direction: string) : Zipper[T] = # This implements a "zipper" data structure # A zipper is a data structure with a "focus" # i.e. a pointer into a particular position # in this case we have a zipper of a list, so we have # a list with a focus that lets us move left or right # and it will wrap around to the other side in either direction # # This function will always allocate a new structure (or leave it untouched) # and won't mutate the original, as this is an immutable data structure if zipper.rhs.len == 0 and zipper.lhs.len == 0: # If the zipper is empty, do nothing return zipper if direction == "right" and zipper.rhs.len < 2: # If there is 1 or 0 items left on the rhs, then we always want to reset # since moving right usually means popping an item off the rhs and moving to the lhs # otherwise the rhs would be empty, which should be an invariant result.lhs = @[] result.rhs = zipper.lhs.reversed & zipper.rhs return if direction == "right": result.lhs = @[zipper.rhs[0]] & zipper.lhs # cons head(rhs) onto lhs result.rhs = zipper.rhs[1..^1] # drop head of rhs if direction == "left" and zipper.lhs.len == 0: result.lhs = zipper.rhs.reversed[1..^1] # make lhs = tail of rhs result.rhs = @[zipper.rhs.reversed[0]] # make the focus be the last item in the rhs return if direction == "left": result.lhs = zipper.lhs[1..^1] # drop the head of the lhs result.rhs = @[zipper.lhs[0]] & zipper.rhs # move the focus left proc zipperInsert[T](zipper: Zipper[T], item: T) : Zipper[T] = # insert a new item before as the current focus if zipper.zipperExists(item): return zipper result.lhs = zipper.lhs result.rhs = @[item] & zipper.rhs proc zipperRemove[T](zipper: Zipper[T], item: T) : Zipper[T] = # find and delete an item in the zipper result.lhs = filter(zipper.lhs, (x) => x != item) result.rhs = filter(zipper.rhs, (x) => x != item) # If we removed the focused item, then wrap around if result.rhs.len == 0: result.rhs = result.lhs.reversed result.lhs = @[] proc zipperExists[T](zipper: Zipper[T], item: T) : bool = return (zipper.lhs.anyIt(it == item) or zipper.rhs.anyIt(it == item)) proc unpackPropValue(typeFormat : int, nItems : int, buf : ptr cuchar) : seq[uint] = # See var byte_stride : int case typeFormat of 8: byte_stride = (ptr cuchar) of 16: byte_stride = (ptr cshort) of 32: # This *is* correct. X treats anything of size '32' as a long for historical / poor design reasons. byte_stride = (ptr clong) else: return @[] for i in 0..(nItems - 1): let currentItem = cast[int](buf) + cast[int](i * byte_stride) case typeFormat of 8: result &= cast[ptr cuchar](currentItem)[].uint of 16: result &= cast[ptr cshort](currentItem)[].uint of 32: result &= cast[ptr clong](currentItem)[].uint else: continue proc getPropertyValue(display : PDisplay, window : TWindow, property : TAtom) : Option[WinProp] = let longOffset : clong = 0.clong let longLength : clong = high(int) # max length of the data to be returned var actualType : TAtom var actualTypeFormat : cint var nItemsReturn : culong var bytesAfterReturn : culong var propValue : ptr cuchar var currentAtomName = display.XGetAtomName(property) var atomName = cstringToNim(currentAtomName) if atomName.isNone: quit(fmt"Could not allocate atomName for some reason") discard currentAtomName.XFree discard display.XGetWindowProperty(window, property, longOffset, longLength, false.cint, AnyPropertyType.TAtom, actualType.addr, actualTypeFormat.addr, nItemsReturn.addr, bytesAfterReturn.addr, propValue.addr) if actualTypeFormat == 0: # Invalid type return none(WinProp) let typeName = display.XGetAtomName(actualType) if typeName == "STRING": var propStrValue = cstringToNim(propValue) if propStrValue.isSome: result = some(WinProp(name: atomName.get, kind: pkString, strProp: propStrValue.get)) else: result = none(WinProp) elif typeName == "CARDINAL": result = some( WinProp( name: atomName.get, kind: pkCardinal, cardinalProp: unpackPropValue(,, propValue) ) ) elif typeName == "ATOM": var currentAtomName : cstring var atomPropNames : seq[string] for atom in unpackPropValue(,, propValue): let atomPropNameCS = display.XGetAtomName(atom.culong) var atomPropName = cstringToNim(atomPropNameCS) if atomPropName.isSome: atomPropNames &= atomPropName.get discard atomPropNameCS.XFree result = some( WinProp( name: atomName.get, kind: pkAtom, atomProps: atomPropNames ) ) elif typeName == "WINDOW": result = some( WinProp( name: atomName.get, kind: pkWindow, windowProps: mapIt(unpackPropValue(,, propValue), it.culong) ) ) else: result = none(WinProp) discard propValue.XFree return iterator getProperties(display : PDisplay, window : TWindow) : Option[WinProp] = # Get property names/values of a given window on a display var nPropsReturn : cint # pointer to a list of word32 var atoms : PAtom = display.XListProperties(window, nPropsReturn.addr) var currentAtom : PAtom # Iterate over the list of atom names for i in 0..( - 1): currentAtom = cast[PAtom]( cast[int](atoms) + cast[int](i * currentAtom[].sizeof) ) yield display.getPropertyValue(window, currentAtom[]) discard atoms.XFree proc getAttributes(display : PDisplay, window : PWindow) : Option[TXWindowAttributes] = var attrs : TXWindowAttributes if display.XGetWindowAttributes(window[], attrs.addr) == BadWindow: return none(TXWindowAttributes) return some(attrs) proc changeEvMask(display : PDisplay, window : PWindow, eventMask : clong) = var attributes : TXSetWindowAttributes attributes.eventMask = eventMask discard display.XChangeWindowAttributes(window[], CWEventMask, attributes.addr) iterator getChildren(display : PDisplay) : Window = var currentWindow : PWindow var rootReturn : TWindow var parentReturn : TWindow var childrenReturn : PWindow var nChildrenReturn : cuint discard XQueryTree(display, root, rootReturn.addr, parentReturn.addr, childrenReturn.addr, nChildrenReturn.addr) for i in 0..( - 1): currentWindow = cast[PWindow]( cast[int](childrenReturn) + cast[int](i * currentWindow.sizeof) ) let attr : Option[TXWindowAttributes] = getAttributes(display, currentWindow) if attr.isNone: continue if attr.get.map_state == IsUnmapped or attr.get.map_state == IsUnviewable: continue if attr.get.override_redirect == 1: continue let props = map(toSeq(getProperties(display, currentWindow[])).filterIt(it.isSome), (p) => p.get) let win = Window( x: attr.get.x.cint, y: attr.get.y.cint, width: attr.get.width, height: attr.get.height, win: currentWindow[], screen: attr.get.screen, props: props ) for prop in props: if prop.kind == pkCardinal: if"_NET_WM_STRUT"): echo, ": ", prop.cardinalProp elif"_NET_WM_OPAQUE"): echo, ": ", prop.cardinalProp else: echo, prop.kind if prop.kind == pkAtom: echo "Atoms = ", prop.atomProps yield win discard XFree(childrenReturn) proc getDisplay : PDisplay = result = XOpenDisplay(nil) if result == nil: quit("Failed to open display") proc grabMouse(display : PDisplay, button : int) = discard XGrabButton(display, button.cuint, Mod1Mask.cuint, DefaultRootWindow(display), 1.cint, ButtonPressMask or ButtonReleaseMask or PointerMotionMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None) proc grabKeyCombo(display : PDisplay, key : TKeySym, masks : seq[cuint] = @[]) = # The reason we have 4 XGrabKey calls here is that # the user might have num lock on # and we still want to be able to grab these key combos discard XGrabKey(display, XKeySymToKeyCode(display, key).cint, foldr(@[Mod1Mask.cuint] & masks, a or b), DefaultRootWindow(display), 1.cint, GrabModeAsync.cint, GrabModeAsync.cint) discard XGrabKey(display, XKeySymToKeyCode(display, key).cint, foldr(@[Mod1Mask.cuint, Mod2Mask.cuint] & masks, a or b), DefaultRootWindow(display), 1.cint, GrabModeAsync.cint, GrabModeAsync.cint) discard XGrabKey(display, XKeySymToKeyCode(display, key).cint, foldr(@[Mod1Mask.cuint, LockMask.cuint] & masks, a or b), DefaultRootWindow(display), 1.cint, GrabModeAsync.cint, GrabModeAsync.cint) discard XGrabKey(display, XKeySymToKeyCode(display, key).cint, foldr(@[Mod1Mask.cuint, LockMask.cuint, Mod2Mask.cuint] & masks, a or b), DefaultRootWindow(display), 1.cint, GrabModeAsync.cint, GrabModeAsync.cint) # When spawning a new process: # Create an entry in a table or set with the PID # Create a thread that simple waits for it to exit # Send a message via channel to the main thread when it's done waiting for it to exit # Check for events on the current iteration, close the process, remove it from the set of open processes # This channel is used to signal when a process has exited # Obviously only used for processes nimwin manages var exitedProcesses : Channel[int] proc startTerminal() : Process = let terminal_path = getEnv("NIMWIN_TERMINAL", "/usr/bin/urxvt") startProcess(terminal_path, "", ["-e", "tmux"]) proc launcher() : Process = let launcher_path = getEnv("NIMWIN_LAUNCHER", "/usr/bin/dmenu_run") startProcess(launcher_path) proc handleProcess(p : Process) = # Wait for a process to exit before broadcasting that it exited # This allows us to call `.close` on it which is necessary to not create zombie processes. discard p.waitForExit exitedProcesses.send(p.processID) proc calculateStruts(display : PDisplay) : tuple[top: uint, bottom: uint]= for win in getChildren(display): for prop in win.props: if prop.kind == pkCardinal and"_NET_WM_STRUT"): = max(, prop.cardinalProp[2]) result.bottom = max(result.bottom, prop.cardinalProp[3]) proc shouldTrackWindow(display : PDisplay, window : PWindow) : bool = result = true let winAttrs : Option[TXWindowAttributes] = getAttributes(display, window) if winAttrs.isSome and winAttrs.get.override_redirect == 1: result = false let props = map(toSeq(getProperties(display, window[])).filterIt(it.isSome), (p) => p.get) let ignored = @["_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL", "_NET_WM_STRUT"] if props.anyIt( result = false for prop in props: if prop.kind == pkAtom: for atomValue in prop.atomProps: if atomValue == "_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY": result = false proc getWMProtocols(window : Window) : Option[seq[string]] = for prop in window.props: if prop.kind == pkAtom and == "WM_PROTOCOLS": return some(prop.atomProps) none(seq[string]) proc deleteWindow(display : PDisplay, window : Window) = let protocols = window.getWMProtocols if protocols.isSome and ("WM_DELETE_WINDOW" in protocols.get): var deleteEvent : TXEvent deleteEvent.xclient.theType = ClientMessage deleteEvent.xclient.window = deleteEvent.xclient.messageType = display.XInternAtom("WM_PROTOCOLS".cstring, true.TBool) deleteEvent.xclient.format = 32[0] = display.XInternAtom("WM_DELETE_WINDOW".cstring, false.TBool).clong[1] = CurrentTime discard display.XSendEvent(, false.TBool, NoEventMask, deleteEvent.addr) else: discard display.XDestroyWindow( proc setRootProperties(display : PDisplay, root : TWindow, windows : seq[TWindow], propName : string) = # Set properties on the root window, assuming they are of type WINDOW if windows.len == 0: return let propAtom : TAtom = display.XInternAtom(propName, false.TBool) let windowType : TAtom = display.XInternAtom("WINDOW", false.TBool) let windowPtr : PWindow = unsafeAddr(windows[0]) discard display.XChangeProperty(root, propAtom, windowType, 32, PropModeReplace, cast[ptr cuchar](windowPtr), windows.len.cint) proc getActiveWindowName(display : PDisplay, root : TWindow) : Option[string] = var winNameReturn : cstring for prop in getProperties(display, root): if prop.isSome and prop.get.kind == pkWindow and == "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW": if prop.get.windowProps.len > 0: discard display.XFetchName(prop.get.windowProps[0], winNameReturn.addr) result = cstringToNim(winNameReturn) discard winNameReturn.XFree when isMainModule: discard "~/.nimwin".expandTilde.existsOrCreateDir var logFile : File = expandTilde("~/.nimwin/nimwin_log").open(fmWrite) logFile.writeLine("Starting Nimwin") var start : TXButtonEvent var ev : TXEvent var attr : TXWindowAttributes let display = getDisplay() let displayNum = display.DisplayString logFile.writeLine(fmt"Opened display {displayNum}") root = DefaultRootWindow(display) display.changeEvMask(root.addr, SubstructureNotifyMask or StructureNotifyMask) display.grabKeyCombo(XK_Return, @[ShiftMask.cuint]) display.grabKeyCombo(XK_T, @[ShiftMask.cuint]) display.grabKeyCombo(XK_Tab) # Cycle through windows display.grabKeyCombo(XK_Q) # Restart window manager display.grabKeyCombo(XK_P) # Launcher display.grabKeyCombo(XK_T) # Full screen display.grabKeyCombo(XK_C, @[ShiftMask.cuint]) # CLose a window display.grabMouse(1) display.grabMouse(3) start.subWindow = None var openProcesses = initTable[int, Process]() # hashset of processes var windowZipper : Zipper[TWindow] # zipper to track window focus discard XSetErrorHandler(handleBadWindow) discard XSetIOErrorHandler(handleIOError) # Tracks the order windows were mapped in initially var mappedWindows : seq[TWindow] = @[] display.setRootProperties(root, @[], "_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING") display.setRootProperties(root, @[], "_NET_CLIENT_LIST") while true: let processExited = exitedProcesses.tryRecv() if processExited.dataAvailable: openProcesses[processExited.msg].close openProcesses.del(processExited.msg) # TODO refactor using XPending or XCB? discard XNextEvent(display, ev.addr) # The reason we look at the subwindow is because we grabbed the root window # and we want events in its children # For spawning, e.g. a terminal we also want events for the root window if ev.theType == KeyPress: # ctrl+mod+shift runs terminal HandleKey(XK_Return): RunProcess(startTerminal) HandleKey(XK_P): # mod+p runs the launcher RunProcess(launcher) HandleKey(XK_C): # TODO replace with XGetInputFocus and delete the focused window let windowStack = toSeq(getChildren(display)) if windowStack.len > 0: display.deleteWindow(windowStack[^1]) HandleKey(XK_Tab): if ev.xKey.subWindow != None: windowZipper = windowZipper.zipperMove("right") let focus = windowZipper.zipperFocus if focus.isSome: discard display.XSetInputFocus(focus.get, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime) discard display.XRaiseWindow(focus.get) HandleKey(XK_Q): let currentPath = getAppDir() if fmt"{currentPath}/nimwin".existsFile: logFile.writeLine("Trying to restart Nimwin") logFile.writeLine(fmt"Restarting: executing {currentPath}/nimwin on display={displayNum}") logFile.flushFile discard display.XCloseDisplay let restartResult = execvp(fmt"{currentPath}/nimwin".cstring, nil) if restartResult == -1: quit("Failed to restart Nimwin") HandleKey(XK_T): # Get all of the struts with offsets from the top # Get all of the struts with offsets from the bottomm # and the left and the right # # then subtract the max of the offsets from the top from the screenHeight # if ev.xKey.subWindow != None: let rootAttrs = getAttributes(display, root.addr) if rootAttrs.isSome: let struts = display.calculateStruts let screenHeight = rootAttrs.get.height let screenWidth = rootAttrs.get.width let winAttrs : Option[TXWindowAttributes] = getAttributes(display, ev.xKey.subWindow.addr) let borderWidth = winAttrs.get.borderWidth.cuint discard XMoveResizeWindow(display, ev.xKey.subWindow, 0,, screenWidth.cuint, screenHeight.cuint - - struts.bottom.cuint) elif (ev.theType == ButtonPress) and (ev.xButton.subWindow != None): discard XGetWindowAttributes(display, ev.xButton.subWindow, attr.addr) start = ev.xButton elif (ev.theType == UnmapNotify): # Switch focus potentially when a window is unmapped echo "unmapped window = ", ev.xunmap.window # Update the mapped windows mappedWindows = mappedWindows.filterIt(it != ev.xunmap.window) display.setRootProperties(root, mappedWindows, "_NET_CLIENT_LIST") if windowZipper.zipperExists(ev.xunmap.window): windowZipper = windowZipper.zipperRemove(ev.xunmap.window) let focus = windowZipper.zipperFocus if focus.isSome: discard display.XSetInputFocus(focus.get, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime) discard display.XRaiseWindow(focus.get) elif (ev.theType == FocusIn): var windowStack : seq[TWindow] = @[] for window in getChildren(display): if display.shouldTrackWindow( windowStack &= let currentFocus = windowZipper.zipperFocus if currentFocus.isSome: if currentFocus.get != ev.xfocus.window: # restack it windowZipper.rhs = windowStack.reversed windowZipper.lhs = @[] if windowZipper.zipperFocus.isSome: var focus = windowZipper.zipperFocus.get display.setRootProperties(root, windowStack, "_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING") display.setRootProperties(root, @[focus], "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW") elif (ev.theType == MapNotify) and (ev.xmap.override_redirect == 0): let rootAttrs = getAttributes(display, root.addr) if rootAttrs.isSome: let struts = display.calculateStruts let screenHeight = rootAttrs.get.height let screenWidth = rootAttrs.get.width if display.shouldTrackWindow(ev.xmap.window.addr): windowZipper = windowZipper.zipperInsert(ev.xmap.window) discard XMoveResizeWindow(display, ev.xmap.window, 0,, screenWidth.cuint, screenHeight.cuint - - struts.bottom.cuint) discard display.XSetInputFocus(ev.xmap.window, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime) display.setRootProperties(root, @[ev.xmap.window], "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW") # Listen for FocusChange (FocusIn/FocusOut) events on the window display.changeEvMask(ev.xmap.window.addr, FocusChangeMask) # Update the mapped windows mappedWindows &= @[ev.xmap.window] display.setRootProperties(root, mappedWindows, "_NET_CLIENT_LIST") elif (ev.theType == MotionNotify) and (start.subWindow != None): # Discard any following MotionNotify events # This avoids "movement lag" while display.XCheckTypedEvent(MotionNotify, ev.addr) != 0: continue discard display.XFlush() var xDiff : int = ev.xButton.xRoot - start.xRoot var yDiff : int = ev.xButton.yRoot - start.yRoot discard XMoveResizeWindow(display, start.subWindow, attr.x + (if start.button == 1: xDiff else: 0).cint, attr.y + (if start.button == 1: yDiff else: 0).cint, max(1, attr.width + (if start.button == 3: xDiff else: 0)).cuint, max(1, attr.height + (if start.button == 3: yDiff else: 0)).cuint) elif ev.theType == ButtonRelease: start.subWindow = None else: continue