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wes 12 years ago
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module Ask (decodeQuestions, encodeQuestions, correct, Question, readquestion) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Text.JSON
data Question = Question {text :: String ,
possibleAnswers :: [String],
correctAnswer :: String}
letters = join $ zipWith (\l n -> (replicate n) <$> l) (repeat ['a'..'z']) ([1, 2..])
instance Show Question where
show (Question text answers correct) = (text ++ "\n" ++ possibleAnswers) where
possibleAnswers = (unlines (zipWith (\n a -> n ++"\t"++ a) letters answers))
instance Read Question where
readsPrec _ a = readquestion a
readquestion q = decompose $ splitOn ":" q where
decompose (text:answers:correct:[]) = [(Question text (splitOn "|" answers) correct, "")]
decompose (_) = [(Question "" [] "", q)]
instance JSON Question where
readJSON a = Ok (getInfo (Ok a))
showJSON (Question text posAns corAns) = JSObject (toJSObject [("question", putQuestion text),
("answers", putAnswers posAns),
("correct", putCorrect corAns)])
getr (Ok a) = a
getj (JSObject a) = a
getQuestion attribute decoded = fromJSString $ getr $ (valFromObj attribute (getj $ getr decoded))
getAnswers decoded = map fromJSString $ getr (valFromObj "answers" (getj $ getr decoded))
getInfo decoded = Question (getQuestion "question" decoded) (getAnswers decoded) (getQuestion "correct" decoded)
putAnswers possibleAnswers = JSArray $ map JSString $ map toJSString possibleAnswers
putQuestion text = JSString $ toJSString text
putCorrect answer = JSString $ toJSString answer
correct :: String -> Question -> Bool
correct answer question
| answer == (correctAnswer question) = True
| otherwise = False
decodeQuestions :: String -> [Question]
decodeQuestions json = getr $ decode json
encodeQuestions :: [Question] -> String
encodeQuestions q = encode q


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import Ask
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import System.Console.Readline
import Text.Read.HT
import qualified System.IO.Strict as So
questionPath = "/home/wes/haskell/Questioner/questions.json"
check = (readline "> ") >>= output where
output (Nothing) = return Nothing
output (Just a) | a == "END" = return Nothing
| otherwise = return (Just a)
getQuestions = whileJust check return
getQuestionFile = So.readFile questionPath
-- Reads all of the questions and returns Nothing if they failed to parse
maybeQuestions :: Monad m => m String -> m (Maybe Question)
maybeQuestions questions = (liftM (\x -> maybeRead x :: Maybe Question) questions)
-- Unpacks all of the values
dejust :: Monad m => m (m (Maybe r)) -> m r
dejust values = liftM (\(Just x) -> x) $ join values
-- get all of the questions from "questions.json" and then append the new ones to it
refreshedQuestions :: IO [Question]
refreshedQuestions = liftM2 (++) (liftM decodeQuestions getQuestionFile) (liftM newquestions getQuestions) where
-- Gets all of the new questions by filtering against ones that failed to parse
newquestions questions = dejust $ filterM check (maybeQuestions questions) where
check (Just a) = return True
check (Nothing) = return False
main = do
newqs <- (liftM encodeQuestions refreshedQuestions)
writeFile questionPath newqs