Browse Source

make difficulty scalable, fix collision detection issue

Wesley Kerfoot 3 years ago
  1. 27


@ -8,11 +8,10 @@ let now = getTime()
randomize(now.toUnix * 1_000_000_000 + now.nanosecond)
# constants
const rowSize = 20 # How many tiles per row of the board
const boxStride: int = 40 # How much space does a tile take up, TODO make this dependent on the rowSize
const rowSize = 15 # How many tiles per row of the board
const boxStride: int = (900 * (1/rowSize)).int # How much space does a tile take up
const borderWidth: float32 = 6.float32 # How wide are the borders between tiles
const sideSize = ( # How long is a side of a tile
const infinity = (1.0/0.0).float32
const averageMineCount = ((rowSize*rowSize) * 0.10).int # How many mines should be placed on average?
const boardOffset: int = 90 # How far is the board from the top of the window
@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ proc getTilePos(mouseX: int, mouseY: int, board: Board): int =
# Do search for the tile x and y coordinates using intervals
# Return position in the set of tiles
const boardLength = ( * (rowSize - 1) # How long is a side of the board
const boardLength = ( * (rowSize - 1) # How long is a side of the board
if mouseX.float32 > (boardLength + borderWidth) or mouseY.float32 > (boardLength + borderWidth):
return -1
@ -219,8 +218,10 @@ proc generateBoard(screenWidth: int, screenHeight: int, rowSize: int): Board =
yIntervals &= @[(l: 0.float32, h: tiles[tiles.high].pos.y.float32)]
# Required for fencepost cases
xIntervals &= (l: xIntervals[xIntervals.high].h, h: infinity)
yIntervals &= (l: yIntervals[yIntervals.high].h, h: infinity)
let lastXInterval = xIntervals[xIntervals.high]
let lastYInterval = xIntervals[xIntervals.high]
xIntervals &= (l: lastXInterval.h, h: lastXInterval.h + tiles[0].pos.width)
yIntervals &= (l: lastYInterval.h, h: lastYInterval.h + tiles[0].pos.height)
result = Board(tiles: tiles, xIntervals: xIntervals, yIntervals: yIntervals)
@ -256,8 +257,6 @@ proc guiLoop*() =
#echo GetScreenWidth()
#echo GetScreenHeight()
var mousePos = Vector2(x: 0, y: 0)
var windowPos = Vector2(x: screenWidth.float32, y: screenHeight.float32)
@ -286,21 +285,15 @@ proc guiLoop*() =
# Check if we're clicking a minefield tile
if board.isSome and gameState == unfinished:
echo isWinning(board.get)
let tilePos = getTilePos(,, board.get) # TODO make this take vector2 instead ?
if tilePos >= 0:
let tile = board.get.tiles[tilePos]
if tile.state.mine and not tile.state.marked:
echo "boom!"
gameState = lost
if tile.state.marked:
echo "do nothing"
echo "reveal it"
if not tile.state.marked:
revealBoard(board.get, tile)
if isWinning(board.get):
echo "You won!"
gameState = won
if IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON):
@ -337,11 +330,11 @@ proc guiLoop*() =
if gameState == won and board.isSome:
showBoard(screenWidth, screenHeight, board.get)
DrawText("You won!", (screenWidth/2).int, (screenHeight/2).int, 30, GREEN)
DrawText("You won! :)", (screenWidth.float32/2.5).int, (boardOffset/2).int, 30, GREEN)
elif gameState == lost and board.isSome:
showBoard(screenWidth, screenHeight, board.get)
DrawText("You lost! :(", (screenWidth/2).int, (screenHeight/2).int, 30, RED)
DrawText("You lost! :(", (screenWidth.float32/2.5).int, (boardOffset/2).int, 30, RED)
# Otherwise update the state of the abstract board with the window
