Distributed Shell History
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134 lines
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#! /usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
(require racket/unix-socket)
(require json)
;; Resource management functions
(define (bail . args)
(displayln "/tmp/shelltalk.sock could not be created (may already exist)"
(exit 1))
; All messages come through this socket
; It is cleaned up after execution finishes
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? bail])
(unix-socket-listen "/tmp/shelltalk.sock")))
(define (close-socket in out)
(close-output-port out)
(close-input-port in))
(define (rm-socket . args)
; Removes the socket
(parameterize ([current-error-port
(system "rm /tmp/shelltalk.sock")))
;; Message handling functions
(define (write-to entries out)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (const '())])
(write-json entries out)
(display "\n" out)))
(define (log pid entries)
(match (thread-receive)
[(cons 'read out)
(write-to entries out)
(log pid entries)]
(log pid (cons entry entries))]))
(define (logger-send loggers pid message)
[(hash-has-key? loggers pid)
(thread-send (hash-ref loggers pid) message)]
[else '()]))
(define (handle-messages loggers)
(match (thread-receive)
[(list 'log pid entry)
(logger-send loggers pid entry)
(handle-messages loggers)]
[(cons 'spawn pid)
;; XXX this should check if it exists already
(handle-messages (hash-set loggers
(thread (lambda () (log pid '[])))))]
[(cons 'kill pid)
(kill-thread (hash-ref loggers pid))
(hash-remove loggers pid))]
[(list 'read pid out)
(displayln "got read message")
; Reads all the logs for a given pid
(logger-send loggers pid (cons 'read out))
(handle-messages loggers)]))
(define message-handler
(thread (lambda ()
(make-immutable-hash '[])))))
(define (handle-connection in out)
(define input-string (read-line in 'linefeed))
[(eof-object? input-string)
(close-socket in out)]
(match (string-split input-string)
[(list "spawn" pid)
(displayln "got spawn")
(thread-send message-handler (cons 'spawn pid))
(handle-connection in out)]
[(list "read" pid)
(displayln "got read")
(thread-send message-handler (list 'read pid out))
(handle-connection in out)]
[(list "write" pid message)
(displayln "got write")
(thread-send message-handler (list 'log pid message))
(handle-connection in out)]
[(list "close" pid)
(displayln (format "~a closed" pid))
(thread-send message-handler (cons 'kill pid))
(close-socket in out)]
(displayln other)
(handle-connection in out)])]))
;; Socket handling
(define (accept-logs)
([(in out) (unix-socket-accept control-socket)])
; hands the read capability over for this shell instance
(lambda ()
(file-stream-buffer-mode out 'none)
(handle-connection in out))))
; Start execution
; Use dynamic-wind to ensure socket is always cleaned up
(const '())
(lambda ()
(with-handlers ([exn:break? rm-socket]
[exn:fail? rm-socket])