Find Cheaper University Textbooks
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

113 lines
2.9 KiB

#! /usr/bin/python3
from functools import reduce
from operator import or_, and_
from hashlib import sha1
from sys import exit, stderr
from json import loads
from itertools import chain
from syslog import syslog
import elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import FacetedSearch, Search, Q
from elasticsearch_dsl.aggs import Terms, DateHistogram
from textbookExceptions import UnIndexable
# Generic instance of elasticsearch right now
es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch()
def summarize(text):
splitted = text.split(" ")
if len(splitted) > 6:
return " ".join(splitted[0:6]) + ".."
return text
def search(field):
Make a match search
def s(term):
q = Q("match",
field : term
return q
return s
def filterSem(term):
return Q("terms",
"sections.sem" : [term]
def filterSections(secs):
Get rid of tutorial sections
because they almost always have "Staff" as the instructor
This is just a heuristic of course
filtered = [s for s in secs.sections if "Staff" not in]
if len(filtered) > 0:
return filtered
return False
def search_courses(terms):
Run a search for courses
# A list of all the queries we want to run
qs = [searchers[field](term) for
field, term in
terms.items() if
term and field in searchers]
if not qs:
# No queries = no results
return []
# Reduce joins all of the queries into one query
# It will search for the conjunction of all of them
# So that means it cares about each query equally
q = reduce(and_, qs)
s = (Search(using=es, index="course_test")
.query(q))[0:100] # only return up to 100 results for now
results = s.execute()
filtered = [
(secs, filterSections(secs)[0].to_dict()) # get rid of tutorials
for secs in results
if filterSections(secs)
results = []
for obj, secs in filtered:
secs["title"] = obj.title
if obj["dept"] not in secs["title"]:
secs["dept"] = obj.dept
if "books" in obj:
secs["books"] = [
"booktitle" : book["title"],
"bookauthor" : book["author"],
"bookprice" : book["price"]
for book in obj.books
secs["books"] = ""
return results
searchers = {
"title" : search("title"),
"loc" : search("loc"),
"time" : search("time"),
"prof" : search("prof"),
"day" : search("day"),
"sem" : filterSem