Find Cheaper University Textbooks
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

62 lines
1.8 KiB

#! /usr/bin/python2
from sys import argv
from hashlib import sha1
def truncate(docid):
Truncate a document id to 12 digits
The document ID should be based on a
hash of unique identifiers
return int(str(docid)[0:12])
def createResource(textbookInfo, course, dept, coursecode, docid):
Create a document associated with a course
This document contains any/all resources associated
with that course
'books': [],
'dept': 'COLLAB',
'code': '2C03',
'sections': [
'prof': 'Lisa Pender',
'sem': '2015/09/08 - 2015/12/08',
'day': 'Mo'
'prof': 'Staff',
'sem': '2015/09/08 - 2015/12/08',
'day': 'Th'
'title': 'COLLAB 2C03 - Sociology I'
textbooks = textbookInfo(dept.strip(), coursecode.strip())
# We truncate the id so we can have nicer looking URLs
# Since the id will be used to point to the resource page for that course
_id = str(truncate(docid))
fields = {
"_id" : _id,
"textbooks" : textbooks,
"coursetitle" : "%s %s" % (dept.strip(), coursecode.strip()),
"courseinfo" : course
#"Syllabus" : "blah"
revisions = list(localdb.revisions(_id))
if not revisions:
rev = dict(revisions[0])["_rev"]
fields["_rev"] = rev
except ResourceConflict:
print "Resource for %s already exists, not creating a new one" % (docid)