Find Cheaper University Textbooks
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

35 lines
964 B

<div class="text-clip toast" if={ opts.title && }>
<dt class="book-title text-center">
<button onclick={ makeResourceGetter(this) } class="btn btn-link">
{ opts.title }
<div if={ loading } class="loading">
<p if={ iarchive }>
<a target="_blank" href="{ iarchive }">
<button class="centered btn btn-link">
Internet Archive Result
<p if={ openlib }>
<a target="_blank" href="{ openlib }">
<button class="centered btn btn-link">
Open Library Result
<p class="centered" if={ noResources }>
Couldn't find anything, sorry :(
this.iarchive = false;
this.openlib = false;
this.noResources = false;