Find Cheaper University Textbooks
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#! /usr/bin/python2
from json import loads, load
from re import sub, split
from itertools import groupby
from numpy import mean
from operator import attrgetter
import pygal
import csv
class Textbook(object):
def __init__(self, dept, code, title, author, price):
self.dept = dept
self.code = code
self.title = title = author
self.price = float(price)
def __repr__(self):
return "Dept = %s, Code = %s, %s by %s, costs $%s" % (self.dept,
def courses():
with open("./books.csv", "r") as books:
booksreader = csv.reader(books)
for row in booksreader:
yield row
def groupDept(courselist):
sortedCourses = sorted(courselist, key=attrgetter("dept"))
for course in groupby(sortedCourses, attrgetter("dept")):
yield course[0], list(course[1])
def meanPrice(books):
return mean([book.price for book in books])
# Questions,
# mean cost per department
# mean cost per faculty
# mean difference between book store copies and other copies per dept and faculty
# number of overlapping books per faculty, do eng students benefit from that?
# maybe a survey for students to see how often they buy books from other sources
# correlate with how much they could be saving?
facultyDesc = {
"hum" : "Humanities",
"bus" : "Business",
"hlth" : "Health Science",
"eng" : "Engineering",
"sci" : "Science",
"socsci" : "Social Sciences",
"artsci" : "Arts & Sciences",
"meld" : "MELD"
faculties = load(open("./faculties.json"))
def categorize(dept):
# faculties
return facultyDesc.get(faculties.get(dept, False), False)
def byFaculty():
for dept, books in groupDept(courses()):
yield (categorize(dept), dept, books)
def meanFacultyCosts():
byfac = list(byFaculty())
graph = pygal.Bar()
graph.title = "Mean textbook cost by faculty"
sortedFacs = sorted(byfac, key=lambda x: x[0])
for fac in groupby(sortedFacs, lambda x: x[0]):
graph.add(fac[0], meanPrice(list(fac[1])[0][2]))
graph.value_formatter = lambda x: '$%.2f' % x if x is not None else "None"
return graph.render(transpose=True)
def meanCosts():
cs = groupDept(courses())
graph = pygal.Bar()
graph.title = "Mean textbook cost by department"
for c in cs:
dept, books = c
graph.add(dept, meanPrice(books))
graph.value_formatter = lambda x: '$%.2f' % x if x is not None else "None"
return graph.render_table(style=True, transpose=True)
for x in courses():
print x
#print meanCosts()
#print meanFacultyCosts()