A Simple Tool To Archive Twitter Threads
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import strutils, options, sugar, sequtils, asyncdispatch, threadpool, db_sqlite, strformat
import twitter
import xander
# one thread just receives messages with thread ID / username
# thread then passes messages to worker threads in round-robin fashion
# worker threads gather thread contents, then update Redis DB (or sqlite) with thread ID mapped to content
# user can go back to page with thread ID / user combo (or unique ID we give them?) and see compiled thread
ThreadRequest = object
tweetID: string
author: string
type TwitterThread = ref object of RootObj
tweetID: string
author: string
tweets: string
var chan : Channel[ThreadRequest]
# Max 20 items processing
let db = open("twit2blog.db", "", "", "")
proc createTweetTable() =
db.exec(sql"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS threads (
tid TEXT,
author TEXT,
tweets TEXT
proc threadExists(threadID : string, author : string) : Option[TwitterThread] =
let row = db.getRow(sql"SELECT * FROM threads WHERE tid=? AND author=?", threadID, author)
if row.all(col => col == ""):
return none(TwitterThread)
TwitterThread(tweetID: row[1],
author: row[2],
tweets: row[3])
iterator allAuthors() : string =
for author in db.getAllRows(sql"SELECT DISTINCT author FROM threads"):
yield author[0]
iterator threadIDs(author : string) : string =
for threadID in db.getAllRows(sql"SELECT tid from threads WHERE author=?", author):
yield threadID[0]
proc insertThread(thread : TwitterThread) =
db.exec(sql"INSERT INTO threads (tid, author, tweets) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
get "/thread/:author/status/:tweetID":
let tweetID = data{"tweetID"}.getStr()
let author = data{"author"}.getStr()
let thread = threadExists(tweetID, author)
if thread.isSome:
data["title"] = fmt"Thread by {author}"
data["tweets"] = thread.get.tweets.split("\n")
respond tmplt("thread", data)
chan.send(ThreadRequest(tweetID: tweetID, author: author))
data["title"] = "Check back later"
respond tmplt("nonexistent", data)
get "/":
# lists all authors
data["authors"] = allAuthors.toSeq
data["title"] = "Authors"
respond tmplt("authors", data)
get "/author/:author/threads":
let author = data{"author"}.getStr()
data["author"] = author
data["title"] = fmt"Threads for {author}"
data["threads"] = toSeq(threadIDs(author))
respond tmplt("threads", data)
proc startServer* =
defer: db.close()
proc handleRenders* =
while true:
let t : ThreadRequest = chan.recv()
if threadExists(t.tweetID, t.author).isSome:
echo "We already have this thread, so we're skipping it"
let tweets = t.tweetID.renderThread(t.author)
if tweets.isSome:
TwitterThread(tweetID: t.tweetID,
author: t.author,
tweets: tweets.get.join("\n"))