A Simple Tool To Archive Twitter Threads
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
3.8 KiB

import httpClient, uri, json, os, strformat, sequtils, strutils, options, sugar, types
import tables, options, times
import auth
from nimcrypto.sysrand import randomBytes
from xmltree import escape
proc parseTwitterTS(ts : string) : DateTime =
ts.parse("ddd MMM dd hh:mm:ss YYYY")
proc listTweets*(user : string) : JsonNode =
# Lists tweets from a given user
# XXX use Tweet type
let client = tweetClient(getBearerToken())
let userIdReq = fmt"/2/users/by?usernames={user}"
var url = fmt"https://api.twitter.com{userIdReq}"
let userId = client.request(url, httpMethod = HttpGet).body.parseJson{"data"}[0]{"id"}.getStr
let tweetsReq = fmt"/2/users/{userId}/tweets"
url = fmt"https://api.twitter.com{tweetsReq}"
return client.request(url, httpMethod = HttpGet).body.parseJson
proc getTweetConvo*(tweetID : string) : JsonNode =
# Gets the conversation info for a given tweet
let client = tweetClient(getBearerToken())
let userIdReq = fmt"/2/tweets?ids={tweetID}&tweet.fields=conversation_id,author_id"
var url = fmt"https://api.twitter.com{userIdReq}"
let tweetInfo = client.request(url, httpMethod = HttpGet).body.parseJson
proc getTweet*(tweetID : string) : string =
# Grabs a single tweet
# XXX use Tweet type
let client = tweetClient(getBearerToken())
let reqTarget = fmt"/1.1/statuses/show.json?id={tweetID}&tweet_mode=extended"
let url = fmt"https://api.twitter.com{reqTarget}"
client.request(url, httpMethod = HttpGet).body
proc getHome*(count: int) : string =
# Gets your home timeline
let client = tweetClient(getBearerToken())
let reqTarget = fmt"/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?count={count}&trim_user=1&exclude_replies=1"
let url = fmt"https://api.twitter.com{reqTarget}"
client.request(url, httpMethod = HttpGet).body
iterator getThread*(tweetStart : string) : Tweet =
let client = tweetClient(getBearerToken())
var reqTarget = fmt"/2/tweets/search/recent?query=conversation_id:{tweetStart}&tweet.fields=in_reply_to_user_id,author_id,created_at,conversation_id"
var url = fmt"https://api.twitter.com{reqTarget}"
var currentPage : JsonNode
currentPage = client.request(url, httpMethod = HttpGet).body.parseJson
while true:
if currentPage{"meta", "result_count"}.getInt == 0:
for tweet in currentPage{"data"}:
yield Tweet(
id: tweet{"id"}.getStr,
in_reply: tweet{"in_reply_to_user_id"}.getStr,
author_id: tweet{"author_id"}.getStr,
text: tweet{"text"}.getStr,
created_at: tweet{"created_at"}.getStr,
conversation_id: tweet{"conversation_id"}.getStr
let paginationToken = currentPage{"meta"}{"next_token"}
if paginationToken == nil:
reqTarget = fmt"/2/tweets/search/recent?query=conversation_id:{tweetStart}&tweet.fields=in_reply_to_user_id,author_id,created_at,conversation_id&next_token={paginationToken.getStr}"
url = fmt"https://api.twitter.com{reqTarget}"
currentPage = client.request(url, httpMethod = HttpGet).body.parseJson
proc convertWords(tweet : Tweet) : string =
let words = tweet.text.split(" ")
var stripped : seq[string]
for chunk in words:
for word in chunk.splitLines:
if word.len > 3 and word[0..3] == "http":
let parsedUri = word.parseUri
let scheme = parsedUri.scheme
let hostname = parsedUri.hostname
let path = parsedUri.path
if (scheme.len > 0 and hostname.len > 0):
let url = xmltree.escape(fmt"{scheme}://{hostname}{path}")
stripped &= url
elif word.len > 0 and word[0] != '@':
stripped &= word
stripped.join(" ")
proc renderThread*(tweetID : string) : Option[seq[string]] =
let thread = toSeq(getThread(tweetID)).map(convertWords).map(capitalizeAscii)
if thread.len == 0:
return none(seq[string])