Code for a smart light built using an esp8266
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

57 lines
1.6 KiB

3 years ago
temperature = "0"
require("httpserver").createServer(80, function(req, res)
-- analyse method and url
print("+R", req.method, req.url, node.heap())
-- setup handler of headers, if any
req.onheader = function(self, name, value) -- luacheck: ignore
print("+H", name, value)
-- E.g. look for "content-type" header,
-- setup body parser to particular format
-- if name == "content-type" then
-- if value == "application/json" then
-- req.ondata = function(self, chunk) ... end
-- elseif value == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" then
-- req.ondata = function(self, chunk) ... end
-- end
-- end
-- setup handler of body, if any
req.ondata = function(self, chunk) -- luacheck: ignore
print("+B", chunk and #chunk, node.heap())
--if not chunk then
-- reply
res:send(nil, 200)
-- res:send_header("Connection", "close")
-- res:send("Hello, world!\n")
res:finish(temperature .. "\n")
-- or just do something not waiting till body (if any) comes
--res:finish("Hello, world!")
--res:finish("Salut, monde!")
print("Starting up")
for k, v in pairs(softuart) do
print(tostring(k) .. ", " .. tostring(v))
if s then
print("Configuring callback")
s:on("data", "\n",
stripped = string.gsub(data, '%s+', '')
print("Temperature = " .. stripped)
s:write("Sending back to cp: \n")
print("Wrote stuff back")
temperature = stripped
if data == "quit" then
s:on("data") -- unregister callback function
end, 0)