-- Never change these unless the board changes trig_pin = 5 light_on = false function reset_light() gpio.write(trig_pin, gpio.LOW) tmr.delay(100000) gpio.write(trig_pin, gpio.HIGH) tmr.delay(100000) gpio.write(trig_pin, gpio.LOW) end function toggle_light() print("toggling") reset_light() light_on = not light_on file.putcontents("./light_status", light_on and "on" or "off") end function turn_light_on() if not light_on then toggle_light() end end function turn_light_off() if light_on then toggle_light() end end light_status = file.getcontents("./light_status") if light_status == "on" then turn_light_on() end print("Booted up") gpio.mode(trig_pin, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.write(trig_pin, gpio.LOW) function hex_to_char(x) return string.char(tonumber(x, 16)) end function get_time() local t = tmr.time() local hours = t/3600 local seconds_leftover = t % 3600 return tostring(hours) .. " hours, " .. tostring(minutes_leftover) end function urldecode(url) if url == nil then return end url = url:gsub("+", " ") url = url:gsub("%%(%x%x)", hex_to_char) return url end function get_info(group) local info = node.info(group) local result = "" for key, value in pairs(info) do result = result .. "" end return result .. "
" .. tostring(group) .. "
" .. tostring(key) .. "" .. tostring(value) .. "
" end function startup() sntp.sync( nil, function(sec, usec, server, info) print('synced ntp ', sec, usec, server) end, function() print('failed to sync ntp') end, 1 -- auto-repeat sync ) if file.open("init.lua") == nil then print("init.lua deleted or renamed") else cron_error = nil file.close("init.lua") print("Starting up") require("httpserver").createServer(8080, function(req, res) --print("+R", req.method, req.url, node.heap()) req.ondata = function(self, chunk) --print("+B", chunk and #chunk, node.heap()) print(req.url) if chunk ~= nil then if req.url == "/toggle" then toggle_light() elseif req.url == "/on" then turn_light_on() elseif req.url == "/off" then turn_light_off() elseif req.url == "/add_job" then post_data = urldecode(chunk) if string.len(post_data) > 6 then local a, b = string.find(post_data, "=") local cron_expression = post_data:sub(a+1) local ran, error_msg = pcall(cron.schedule, cron_expression, toggle_light) print(error_msg) else ran = false error_msg = "invalid" end if not ran then print("post_data = " .. post_data) cron_error = error_msg end elseif req.url == "/reset_light" then reset_light() elseif req.url == "/clear_jobs" then cron.reset() elseif req.url == "/reboot" then cron.reset() node.restart() end end if not chunk then local toggle_status = light_on and "On" or "Off" local color = light_on and "green" or "black" -- reply if req.url == "/" then res:send(nil, 200) res:send_header("Content-Type", "text/html") res:send_header("Connection", "close") res:send("
Uptime: ".. tostring(tmr.time()) .. " seconds

".. toggle_status .. "

" .. get_info("hw") .. get_info("build_config") .. get_info("sw_version") .. "
") res:send("\r\n") elseif req.url == "/toggle" or req.url == "/reset_light" then res:send(nil, 303) res:send_header("Location", "/") res:send_header("Connection", "close") res:send("switching light\r\n") res:send("\r\n") elseif req.url == "/add_job" then if cron_error then res:send(nil, 400) res:send_header("Content-Type", "text/html") res:send_header("Connection", "close") res:send(cron_error .. "\r\n") res:send("\r\n") cron_error = nil else res:send(nil, 303) res:send_header("Location", "/") res:send_header("Connection", "close") res:send("\r\n") end else res:send(nil, 303) res:send_header("Location", "/") res:send_header("Connection", "close") res:send("\r\n") end res:finish() end end end) end end enduser_setup.start( function() if wifi.sta.getip() ~= nil then print("Connected to WiFi as:" .. wifi.sta.getip()) tmr.create():alarm(3000, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, startup) end end, function(err, str) print("enduser_setup: Err #" .. err .. ": " .. str) end, print )