-- Never change these unless the board changes echo_pin = 2 trig_pin = 3 light_pin = 5 use_sonar = false light_on = false if adc.force_init_mode(adc.INIT_ADC) then node.restart() return -- don't bother continuing, the restart is scheduled end print("System voltage (mV):", adc.readvdd33(0)) gpio.mode(light_pin, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.mode(echo_pin, gpio.INT) -- interrupt mode gpio.mode(trig_pin, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.write(light_pin, gpio.HIGH) function toggle_light() if light_on then gpio.write(light_pin, gpio.HIGH) else gpio.write(light_pin, gpio.LOW) end light_on = not light_on end function turn_light_on() gpio.write(light_pin, gpio.LOW) end function turn_light_off() gpio.write(light_pin, gpio.HIGH) end function tablelen(T) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end samples = {} distance = {start_v=0.0, end_v=0.0} sample_rate = 4 -- number of samples it requires before triggering, recommended <= 5, >=3 max_stderr = 0.5 -- margin of error allowed before triggering the light, recommended <= 1 distance_max = 30 -- threshold for how far an object must be to trigger it in cm distance_min = 10 -- minimum distance (below this amount don't trigger it), recommended >= 5, <= 20 -- Get the mean value of a table function mean(t) -- http://lua-users.org/wiki/SimpleStats local sum = 0 local count = 0 for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == 'number' then sum = sum + v count = count + 1 end end return (sum / count) end function stdev(t) -- http://lua-users.org/wiki/SimpleStats local m local vm local sum = 0 local count = 0 local result m = mean(t) for k, v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == 'number' then vm = v - m sum = sum + (vm * vm) count = count + 1 end end result = math.sqrt(sum / (count-1)) return result end function stderr(t) -- based on the definition of standard error return stdev(t) / math.sqrt(tablelen(t)) end function measure(level, ts, evcount) if level == 1 then distance["start_v"] = ts else -- check if there's a low voltage but no starting high voltage if distance["start_v"] > 0 then distance["end_v"] = ts if distance["start_v"] >= distance["end_v"] then distance = {start_v=0.0, end_v=0.0} -- bad reading return end -- See https://www.adafruit.com/product/165 local temperature = ((adc.read(0)*100)-50)/1000 -- See http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Sound/souspe.html local speed_of_sound = (331.4 + 0.6*temperature)/10000 -- See https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-nodemcu-hc-sr04-ultrasonic-arduino/ local d = ((distance["end_v"] - distance["start_v"]) * speed_of_sound) / 2.0 -- Only care about values between 10 and 50 if math.floor(d) > distance_min and d < distance_max then table.insert(samples, d) local s = stderr(samples) if s > max_stderr and tablelen(samples) == (sample_rate - 1) then -- start over if it would cause stderr to be too great samples = {} distance = {start_v=0.0, end_v=0.0} end end distance = {start_v=0, end_v=0} end end local s_num = tablelen(samples) if s_num >= sample_rate then local distance_mean = mean(samples) local s = stderr(samples) if s < max_stderr and distance_mean < distance_max and distance_mean > distance_min then print("stder = " .. s) print("distance = " .. distance_mean) if not light_on then toggle_light() end end samples = {} end end function trig() gpio.write(trig_pin, gpio.HIGH) tmr.delay(11) gpio.write(trig_pin, gpio.LOW) end -- load credentials, 'SSID' and 'PASSWORD' declared and initialize in there dofile("credentials.lua") function startup() if file.open("init.lua") == nil then print("init.lua deleted or renamed") else print("Running") file.close("init.lua") print("Starting up") sntp.sync(nil, function(sec, usec, server, info) print("sync'd") tm = rtctime.epoch2cal(rtctime.get()) print(tm["hour"]) print(tm["min"]) if tm["hour"] >= 12 or tm["hour"] < 2 then if tm["hour"] == 12 and tm["min"] < 30 then return end turn_light_on() end if tm["hour"] >= 2 and tm["hour"] < 12 then turn_light_off() end cron.schedule("0 02 * * *", function(e) -- 9 pm EST is 2 UTC print("Turning light off") turn_light_off() end) cron.schedule("30 12 * * *", function(e) -- 7:30 am EST is 12:30 UTC print("Turning light on") turn_light_on() end) if use_sonar then tmr.create():alarm(61, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, trig) gpio.trig(echo_pin, "both", measure) end end, nil, 1) require("httpserver").createServer(80, function(req, res) print("+R", req.method, req.url, node.heap()) req.onheader = function(self, name, value) -- luacheck: ignore print("+H", name, value) end -- setup handler of body, if any req.ondata = function(self, chunk) -- luacheck: ignore print("+B", chunk and #chunk, node.heap()) print(req.url) if not chunk then -- reply res:send(nil, 200) res:send_header("Connection", "close") if req.url == "/toggle" then toggle_light() elseif req.url == "/on" then turn_light_on() elseif req.url == "/off" then turn_light_off() elseif req.url == "/toggle_sonar" then use_sonar = not use_sonar end res:send("The light is " .. (light_on and "on\n" or "off\n")) res:finish() end end end) end end -- Define WiFi station event callbacks wifi_connect_event = function(T) print("Connection to AP("..T.SSID..") established!") print("Waiting for IP address...") if disconnect_ct ~= nil then disconnect_ct = nil end end wifi_got_ip_event = function(T) -- Note: Having an IP address does not mean there is internet access! -- Internet connectivity can be determined with net.dns.resolve(). print("Wifi connection is ready! IP address is: "..T.IP) print("Startup will resume momentarily, you have 3 seconds to abort.") print("Waiting...") tmr.create():alarm(3000, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, startup) mdns.register("smartlight", {hardware='NodeMCU'}) end wifi_disconnect_event = function(T) if T.reason == wifi.eventmon.reason.ASSOC_LEAVE then --the station has disassociated from a previously connected AP return end -- total_tries: how many times the station will attempt to connect to the AP. Should consider AP reboot duration. local total_tries = 75 print("\nWiFi connection to AP("..T.SSID..") has failed!") --There are many possible disconnect reasons, the following iterates through --the list and returns the string corresponding to the disconnect reason. for key,val in pairs(wifi.eventmon.reason) do if val == T.reason then print("Disconnect reason: "..val.."("..key..")") break end end if disconnect_ct == nil then disconnect_ct = 1 else disconnect_ct = disconnect_ct + 1 end if disconnect_ct < total_tries then print("Retrying connection...(attempt "..(disconnect_ct+1).." of "..total_tries..")") else wifi.sta.disconnect() print("Aborting connection to AP!") disconnect_ct = nil end end -- Register WiFi Station event callbacks wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_CONNECTED, wifi_connect_event) wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_GOT_IP, wifi_got_ip_event) wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_DISCONNECTED, wifi_disconnect_event) print("Connecting to WiFi access point...") wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) wifi.sta.config({ssid=SSID, pwd=PASSWORD}) -- wifi.sta.connect() not necessary because config() uses auto-connect=true by default