#! /usr/bin/racket #lang racket (require json) (require net/url) (struct Author (name email)) (struct SlackCommit (commit-url author time message)) (define max-len 177) (define services-key "YOUR SERVICE HOOK KEY HERE") (define webhook-url (string->url (format "https://hooks.slack.com/services/~a" services-key))) (define repo-url "YOUR GITHUB REPO") ; e.g. https://github.com/exampleuser/repo ; Run a command and get the string written to stdout (define (system-result command) (match (process command) [(list out in pid errport _) (let ([result (port->string out)] [err-result (port->string out)]) (close-input-port out) (close-output-port in) (close-input-port errport) (cond [(not (string=? "" (string-trim result))) result] [else #f]))])) (define (line? str) (not (regexp-match #rx"^[:space:]*$" str))) (define (truncate msg) (list->string (take (string->list msg) max-len))) (define (limit-size msg) (define strl (string-length msg)) (cond [(> strl max-len) (format "~a..." (truncate msg))] [else msg])) (define (format-commit msg) (format "Commit message: ~a" (limit-size (string-trim msg)))) (define (parse-author str) (apply Author (string-split (string-trim (cadr (string-split str ":"))) " "))) (define (hash->url str) (let ([hash (cadr (string-split str " "))]) (format "~acommit/~a" repo-url hash))) (define (get-last-commit) (filter line? (string-split (system-result "git log -1 HEAD") "\n"))) (define (get-slackmsg) (match (get-last-commit) [(list hash author time msg ...) (SlackCommit (hash->url hash) (parse-author author) time (format-commit (string-join msg " ")))] [_ '()])) (define (slackmsg->json msg) (string->bytes/utf-8 (jsexpr->string `#hash( [text . "New commit to the Github repository"] [attachments . [ #hash( [text . ,(SlackCommit-message msg)] [author_name . ,(Author-name (SlackCommit-author msg))] [title . "See what changed"] [title_link . ,(SlackCommit-commit-url msg)] ) ] ] )))) (define get-commit (compose1 slackmsg->json get-slackmsg)) (post-pure-port webhook-url (get-commit))