ngram model for English corpora
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11 years ago
import qualified Control.Monad.Random as MR
import Text.JSON
import qualified Data.Map as Dm
fromJSRational (s, (JSRational _ r)) = (s,fromRational r)
ngramp ngJSON = let (Ok (JSObject result)) = decode ngJSON :: Result JSValue
in Dm.fromList $ map fromJSRational $ fromJSObject $ result
frequencyMap [] ngmap = ngmap
frequencyMap ((ng, p):ngs) ngmap = case Dm.lookup (head ng) ngmap of
Nothing -> frequencyMap ngs (Dm.insert (head ng) [(ng, p)] ngmap)
Just xs -> frequencyMap ngs (Dm.insert (head ng) ((ng, p) : xs) ngmap)
generateText n acc cur freqmap = do
let (Just probabilities) = Dm.lookup cur freqmap
choice <- MR.fromList probabilities
let next = (head $ tail choice)
case n of
0 -> return acc
_ -> generateText (n-1) (acc++([head choice])) next freqmap
gibberish n = do
js <- readFile "./ngrams.json"
let pmap = ngramp js
result <- generateText n [] 't' (frequencyMap (Dm.toList pmap) (Dm.singleton '' []))
return result