module Search where import Data.Function import Control.Monad (liftM2, unless, join, (>=>), (<=<)) import System.Info (os) import System.Process (system, rawSystem) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import Network.Google.OAuth2 (formUrl, exchangeCode, refreshTokens, OAuth2Client(..), OAuth2Tokens(..)) import Network.Google (makeRequest, doRequest) import Network.HTTP.Conduit (simpleHttp, HttpException) import Data.Aeson (decode) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL import qualified Data.Text as T import Control.Exception import Network.HTTP.Base (urlEncode, urlDecode) import Types maxResults = 10 makeURL :: T.Text -> T.Text makeURL vid = "" `T.append` vid getItems :: BL.ByteString -> [SearchResult] getItems str = let parsed = decode str :: Maybe JItems in maybe [] getResults parsed where getResults (JItems xs) = map getResult xs getResult x = SearchResult (jtitle . snippet $ x) (jdescription . snippet $ x) (makeURL . videoID . jvideoID $ x) (jurl . thumbnail . jthumbnails . snippet $ x) cid = "" secret = "FjgeOtSZoJgU87FbuwJf2vwj" file = "/home/wes/.config/youtube-tokens.txt" baseURI = "" searchRequest :: String -> String -> String searchRequest keyword accessTok = baseURI ++ "search?maxResults=" ++ (show maxResults) ++ "&part=snippet&q=" ++ keyword ++ "&type=video&access_token=" ++ accessTok getNewTokens :: OAuth2Client -> IO () getNewTokens client = do tokens <- read <$> readFile file newTokens <- refreshTokens client tokens writeFile file (show newTokens) findTracks client accessTok term = do response <- (try $ simpleHttp $ searchRequest term accessTok) :: IO (Either HttpException BL.ByteString) case response of (Left _) -> getNewTokens client >> search (urlDecode term) (Right resp) -> return $ getItems resp search :: String -> IO [SearchResult] search term = do let client = OAuth2Client { clientId = cid, clientSecret = secret } permissionUrl = formUrl client [""] b <- doesFileExist file unless b $ do putStrLn $ "Load this URL: " ++ show permissionUrl putStrLn "Please paste the verification code: " authcode <- getLine tokens <- exchangeCode client authcode putStrLn $ "Received access token: " ++ show (accessToken tokens) writeFile file (show tokens) accessTok <- fmap (accessToken . read) (readFile file) findTracks client accessTok $ urlEncode term firstResult = head $. search withDescriptions = map ((T.drop 3) . liftM2 (T.append `on` (T.append " : ")) url description) $. search withTitles = map ((T.drop 3) . liftM2 (T.append `on` (T.append " : ")) url title) $. search withDescriptionsStr = T.intercalate "\n" $. withDescriptions withTitlesStr = T.intercalate "\n" $. withTitles infixr 8 $. a $. b = \x -> do y <- b x return $ a y