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refactored code

wes 13 years ago
  1. 44


@ -60,24 +60,19 @@ aliases = {"rate" : 1,
def edit_users(*args, **new_options):
"""Edits the options dictionary to add/update a user's settings"""
nick = new_options['name'][0]
if not options.has_key(nick):
if not nick in options:
options[nick] = {"args": {}}
for item in new_options:
if (new_options[item] and (item!="name") and (item!="language")):
# don't want to use name or language, because language needs to get set separately
# and name is only used to create the main dictionary for their options
options[nick]["args"][item] = new_options[item][0]
options[nick]["args"] = {key : value[0] for key,value in new_options.iteritems() if (key and (key!="name") and (key!="language"))}
# don't want to use name or language, because language needs to get set separately
# and name is only used to create the main dictionary for their options
if new_options["language"]:
options[nick]["language"] = new_options["language"][0]
return new_options
return options[nick]
def irc_speak(word, word_eol, users):
"""Checks to see if a user is set to be voiced, and if so synthesizes their text"""
if options.has_key(word[0]): # check to see if the user is in the options dictionary (word[0] == their nick)
if word[0] in options: # check to see if the user is in the options dictionary (word[0] == their nick)
[espeak.set_parameter(aliases[arg], options[word[0]]["args"][arg]) for arg in options[word[0]]["args"]]
# options[word[0]]["args"][arg] is the same as options[nickname]["args"][arg] (where arg is some one of the names in aliases
# which corresponds to some integer value in options[nick][args])
@ -101,27 +96,24 @@ def save():
return "Saved!"
def deluser(user):
del options[user[0]]
return "Deleted!"
if user[0] in options:
del options[user[0]]
return "Deleted!"
return "No such user"
def commands(word, word_eol, users):
"""Function for doing different commands with XChat"""
commands = {"set" : (lambda x: set_user(x)),
"langlist" : (lambda x: ", ".join([item["name"] for item in espeak.list_voices()])),
"save" : (lambda x: save()),
"rm" : (lambda x: deluser(x)),
"list" : (lambda x: "\n".join(["%s : %s" % (key, value["args"]) for key, value in options.iteritems()]))}
arguments = word[1:]
commands = {"set" : set_user,
"langlist" : (lambda: ", ".join([item["name"] for item in espeak.list_voices()])),
"save" : save,
"rm" : deluser,
"list" : (lambda: "\n".join(["%s: %s" % (key, options[key]['args']) for key in options]))}
if "set" == arguments[0]:
print commands[arguments[0]](arguments[1:])
elif "rm" == arguments[0]:
print commands[arguments[0]](arguments[1:])
print commands[arguments[0]]()
print commands[arguments[0]](arguments[1:])
except KeyError as exception:
return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
xchat.hook_command("ircspeak",commands, help="/ircspeak set --help")
xchat.hook_print("Channel Message", irc_speak)