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adding cexp intermediate-representation, still needs work obviously

nisstyre56 10 years ago
  1. 135
  2. 11


@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
* Defines the data structures associated with Continuation Expressions (cexps)
* The object here is to have an intermediate representation that allows a code generator backend
* to easily create sequential code. In other words we are taking an alegraic/applicative language
* and translating it to something more similar to the "one word at a time" architecture of the von-Neumann
* architecture
var cexp = {
type : "cexp"
function record(values_accesspaths,
next_cexp) {
this.values_accesspaths = values_accesspaths;
this.w = w;
this.next_cexp = next_cexp;
return this;
record.prototype = cexp;
function select(i, v, w, next_cexp) {
this.i = i;
this.v = v;
this.w = w;
this.next_cexp = next_cexp;
return this;
select.prototype = cexp;
function offset(i, v, w, next_cexp) {
this.i = i;
this.v = v;
this.w = w;
this.next_cexp = next_cexp;
return this;
offset.prototype = cexp;
function app(k, vs) {
this.k =k;
this.vs = vs;
return this;
app.prototype = cexp;
function fix(fs, next_cexp) {
this.fs = fs;
this.next_cexp = next_cexp;
return this;
fix.prototype = cexp;
function switchl(v, cexps) {
this.v = v;
this.cexps = cexps;
return this;
switchl.prototype = cexp;
function primop(op, vals, vars, next_cexp) {
this.op = op;
this.vals = vals;
this.vars = vars;
this.next_cexp = next_cexp;
return this;
primop.prototype = cexp;
function accessPath(offp, selp) {
this.offp = offp;
this.selp = selp;
return this;
var primoptype = {
type : "primop",
equal : function(pOp) {
return ===
function Primop(name) {
function ptype() { = name;
return this;
ptype.prototype = primoptype;
return new ptype();
var times = Primop("+");
var plus = Primop("+");
var div = Primop("div");
var tilde = Primop("~");
var ieql = Primop("ieql");
var ineq = Primop("ineq");
var lessthan = Primop("<");
var lessoreq = Primop("<=");
var greatthan = Primop(">");
var greatoreq = Primop(">=");
var bang = Primop("!");
var subscript = Protoype("subscript");
var ordof = Primop("ordof");
var assign = Primop(":=");
var unboxedassign = Primop("unboxedassign");
var update = Primop("update");
var unboxedupdate = Primop("unboxedupdate");
var store = Primop("store");
var makeref = Primop("makeref");
var makerefunboxed = Primop("makerefunboxed");
var alength = Primop("alength");
var slength = Primop("slength");
var gethdlr = Primop("gethdlr")
var sethdlr = Primop("sethdlr");
var boxed = Primop("boxed");
var fadd = Primop("fadd");
var fsub = Primop("fsub");
var fdiv = Primop("fdiv");
var fmul = Primop("fmul");
var feql = Primop("feql");
var fneq = Primop("fneq");
var fge = Primop("fge");
var fgt = Primop("fgt");
var fle = Primop("fle");
var flt = Primop("flt");
var rshift = Primop("rshift");
var lshift = Primop("lshift");
var orb = Primop("orb");
var andb = Primop("andb");
var xorb = Primop("xorb");
var notb = Primop("notb");


@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
var typ = require("./representation.js");
/*function simplify(stx) {
switch (stx.exprType) {
case "Application":
//function simplifyUnary(stx) {