An experiment in parentheses-free lisp (in JavaScript)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

137 lines
3.7 KiB

* This module takes a parse tree in a surface format
* and transforms it into the "core" language which is
* much simpler and easier to type-check, optimize, and evaluate
var typ = require("./representation.js");
var errors = require("./errors.js");
var _ = require("underscore");
// Lists get desugared to nested function calls
// i.e. (cons (cons (cons ...)))
function desugarList(lst) {
if (lst.xs.length <= 0) {
return new typ.Nil();
else {
var x = desugar(lst.xs[0]);
var rest = lst.xs.slice(1);
return new typ.App(new typ.App(new typ.Name("(:)"), x), desugarList(new typ.ListT(rest)));
function desugarDefFunc(def) {
return new typ.Def(def.ident,
function curryFunc(ps, body) {
var result;
if (_.isEmpty(ps)) {
return desugar(body);
else {
result = new typ.FuncT(desugar(_.first(ps)),
curryFunc(, body));
result.charnum = ps.charnum;
result.linenum = ps.linenum;
return result;
function desugarLet(stx) {
var values =;
return new typ.LetExp(values, desugar(stx.body));
function sugarTypeDecl(stx) {
var type;
var expression;
type = stx.p;
expression = desugar(stx.func.p);
expression.linenum = stx.linenum;
expression.charnum = stx.charnum;
return new typ.TypeDecl(expression, type);
function desugarDefType(stx) {
var result;
result = new typ.DefType(desugar(stx.lhs), desugar(stx.rhs));
result.linenum = stx.linenum;
result.charnum = stx.charnum;
return result;
function desugar(stx) {
var typeExpTest;
switch (stx.exprType) {
case "If":
if (stx.elseexp) {
return new typ.If(desugar(stx.condition), desugar(stx.thenexp), desugar(stx.elseexp));
return new typ.If(desugar(stx.condition), desugar(stx.thenexp));
case "FunctionDefinition":
return desugarDefFunc(stx);
case "Definition":
return new typ.Def(stx.ident, desugar(stx.val));
case "TypeDefinition":
return desugarDefType(stx);
case "Name":
return stx;
case "Application":
if ((stx.func.func !== undefined ) &&
(stx.func.func.ident === "::")) {
/* It's a type declaration probably (will be verified later)
* In this case we actually *add* syntax here to differentiate type declarations
* from normal function application
typeExpTest = typ.isTypeExpr(stx.p);
if (typeExpTest.failed !== undefined &&
typeExpTest.failed) {
throw errors.JInternalError(
"Type declaration error near line " + stx.linenum + " at character #"+stx.charnum +
"\n"+typeExpTest.stx.exprType+" (" + typeExpTest.stx.val + ") found where a type operator or type application was expected");
return sugarTypeDecl(stx);
if ((stx.func.ident === "-" ||
stx.func.ident === "+") &&
stx.p) {
return new typ.UnaryOp(desugar(stx.func), desugar(stx.p));
if (stx.p) {
return new typ.App(desugar(stx.func), desugar(stx.p));
return new typ.App(stx.func);
case "Function":
return curryFunc(stx.p, stx.body);
case "List":
return desugarList(stx);
case "Bool":
return stx;
case "String":
return stx;
case "Float":
return stx;
case "Integer":
return stx;
case "Let":
return desugarLet(stx);
return stx;
module.exports = { desugar : desugar };
//var test = typ.ListT([1,2,3]);