An experiment in parentheses-free lisp (in JavaScript)
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/* Takes an AST and converts all of the functions into "closures"
* A closure is a triple of:
* the bound variables in a function or let
* the free variables in a function or let
* a function body or let body and bound values (if it is an escaping closure only)
* The closure has the property that all of the free variables of the function or let
* are in the environment, or an exception is raised because the variable is not bound
* in the current environment.
* A free variable is simply those that are not in the list of formal parameters or bound variables if it is a let
* Therefore in order to call a closure one must first extract the actual function and then
* call the function with the environment associated with it.
* For the purposes of type checking it does not matter how the function gets called, the environment
* is only used for looking up the types of names. Formal parameters are given type variables.
* The first phase of closure conversion is not really closure conversion exactly.
* All it does is find out the free variables in scope and tie those up into a data structure with their types later.
* The second phase will be done to the CPS language and closures will actually lambda-lifted out potentially.
var rep = require("./representation.js");
var errors = require("./errors.js");
var parser = require("./parse.js");
var $ = require("./tools.js");
var _ = require("underscore");
var notEmpty = _.compose($.not, _.partial(_.equal, []));
function fvs(stx) {
switch (stx.exprType) {
case "Integer":
return [];
case "Float":
return [];
case "String":
return [];
case "Function":
return [];
case "Nil":
return [];
case "Bool":
return [];
case "Let":
return [];
case "Unary":
return _.flatten([stx.op.ident, fvs(stx.val)]);
case "Definition":
return _.flatten(fvs(stx.val));
case "Application":
var vs = _.flatten(fvs(stx.p));
var f_fvs = _.flatten(fvs(stx.func));
return _.flatten([vs, f_fvs]);
case "If":
if (stx.elseexp) {
var cond_fvs = fvs(stx.condition);
var then_fvs = fvs(stx.thenexp);
var else_fvs = fvs(stx.elseexp);
return _.flatten([cond_fvs, then_fvs, else_fvs]);
else {
return _.flatten([fvs(stx.condition), fvs(stx.thenexp)]);
case "Name":
return [stx.ident];
function annotate_fvs(stx) {
/* Takes a stx object that is either
* a lambda
* a let
* and returns a closure wrapped around that stx object
if (stx.exprType !== "Function" &&
stx.exprType !== "Let") {
throw errors.JInternalError(
["Tried to calculate the free variables of",
"something that was not a function or let.\n",
"That something was a: " + stx.exprType +"\n"].reduce(
function (a,b) {
return a+" "+b;
}, ""));
var variables, free_variables, bound_vars, stx_type;
switch (stx.exprType) {
case "Let":
bound_vars =
function (stx) {
return stx.ident.ident;
var let_fvs =;
var body_fvs = fvs(stx.body);
variables = _.flatten(let_fvs);
$.extend(variables, _.flatten(body_fvs));
case "Function":
bound_vars = [stx.p.ident,];
variables = fvs(stx.body);
free_variables = _.difference(_.uniq(variables), bound_vars);
return new rep.Closure(bound_vars, free_variables, stx, []);
* This traverse the tree and gathers up all of the free variables of various functions/let bindings
function annotate_fvs_all(stx) {
var closure;
switch (stx.exprType) {
case "Let":
closure = annotate_fvs(stx);
closure.body.pairs =;
closure.body = annotate_fvs_all(closure.body.body);
return closure;
case "Function":
closure = annotate_fvs(stx);
closure.body.body = annotate_fvs_all(closure.body.body);
return closure;
case "Unary":
stx.val = annotate_fvs_all(stx.val);
return stx;
case "Application":
stx.func = annotate_fvs_all(stx.func);
stx.p = annotate_fvs_all(stx.p);
return stx;
case "If":
if (stx.elseexp) {
stx.condition = annotate_fvs_all(stx.condition);
stx.thenexp = annotate_fvs_all(stx.thenexp);
stx.elseexp = annotate_fvs_all(stx.elseexp);
return stx;
else {
stx.condition = annotate_fvs_all(stx.condition);
stx.thenexp = annotate_fvs_all(stx.thenexp);
return stx;
case "Definition":
stx.val = annotate_fvs_all(stx.val);
return stx;
return stx;
function test(src) {
var ast = parser.parse(src);
//console.log(test("if something then if a then if b then c else d else rtrrt else some_other_thing"));
module.export = {
test : test,
annotate_fvs: annotate_fvs_all