An experiment in parentheses-free lisp (in JavaScript)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

404 lines
7.9 KiB

var errors = require("./errors.js");
var _ = require("underscore");
var Expression = {
display :
function() {
return this.exprType + " " + this.val;
type :
function () {
return this.exprType;
linenum : 0,
charnum : 0
var TypeExpression = {
unify :
function (t) {
if (this.expr === t.expr) {
return t.expr;
else {
console.log("Could not unify " + this.expr + " with " + t.expr);
isTypeExpr : true,
linenum : 0,
charnum : 0
function isTypeExpr(x) {
return x.isTypeExpr !== undefined;
function isIrregularTypeOp(x) {
return (x === "->");
function flattenTypeDecl(stx) {
if (isTypeExpr(stx)) {
return true;
if (stx.exprType === "Application") {
/* it might be a type application so recursively check it */
if (stx.p !== undefined) {
return _.flatten([flattenTypeDecl(stx.p), flattenTypeDecl(stx.func)]);
else {
return _.flatten([flattenTypeDecl(stx.func)]);
if (stx.exprType === "Name") {
* Either it is a type operator
* or we assume it is a type variable
* since it was not capitalized
return true;
return {
failed : true,
stx : stx
function isTypeExprRec(stx) {
var flattened = flattenTypeDecl(stx);
for(var i = 0; i < flattened.length; i++) {
if (flattened[i].failed !== undefined &&
flattened[i].failed) {
return flattened[i];
return true;
function App(func, p) {
this.func = func;
this.exprType = "Application";
if (p)
this.p = p;
return this;
function Closure(bound_vars, free_vars, body, env) {
this.bound_vars = bound_vars;
this.free_vars = free_vars;
this.body = body;
this.env = env;
this.exprType = "Closure";
return this;
function LetExp(pairs, body) {
if (!pairs.every(function(x) {
return (x.exprType === "Definition" ||
x.exprType === "FunctionDefinition");
})) {
throw errors.JInternalError(
"let can only be used to bind things to names or functions"
this.exprType = "Let";
this.val = [pairs, body];
this.pairs = pairs;
this.body = body;
return this;
LetExp.prototype = Expression;
function UnaryOp(op, v) {
this.exprType = "Unary";
this.val = v;
this.op = op;
return this;
UnaryOp.prototype = Expression;
function IntT(v) {
this.exprType = "Integer";
this.val = parseInt(v, 10);
return this;
IntT.prototype = Expression;
function FloatT(v) {
this.exprType = "Float";
this.val = parseFloat(v, 10);
return this;
FloatT.prototype = Expression;
function StrT(v) {
this.exprType = "String";
this.val = v;
return this;
StrT.prototype = Expression;
function BoolT(b) {
if (b === "true") {
this.val = true;
else {
this.val = false;
this.exprType = "Bool";
return this;
BoolT.prototype = Expression;
function ListT(xs) {
this.xs = xs;
this.val = xs;
this.exprType = "List";
return this;
ListT.prototype = Expression;
function Nil() {
this.exprType = "Nil";
return this;
Nil.prototype = Expression;
function FuncT(p, body) {
this.p = p;
this.body = body;
this.val = [p, body];
this.exprType = "Function";
return this;
FuncT.prototype = Expression;
//Wrapper for function objects
function OpT(operator) {
this.op = operator;
this.val = this.op;
this.exprType = "Function";
return this;
OpT.prototype = Expression;
// Applications separate from other types
function App(func, p) {
this.func = func;
this.exprType = "Application";
if (p)
this.p = p;
return this;
App.prototype = Expression;
// Names are not types
function Name(identifier) {
this.ident = identifier;
this.val = this.ident;
this.exprType = "Name";
return this;
Name.prototype = Expression;
function Def(ident, exp) {
this.ident = ident;
this.val = exp;
this.exprType = "Definition";
return this;
Def.prototype = Expression;
function DefFunc(ident, params, body) {
this.ident = ident;
this.val = this.ident;
this.params = params;
this.body = body;
this.exprType = "FunctionDefinition";
return this;
DefFunc.prototype = Expression;
function If(condition, thenexp, elseexp) {
this.condition = condition;
this.thenexp = thenexp;
this.elseexp = elseexp;
this.exprType = "If";
return this;
If.prototype = Expression;
function TypeVar(name) {
this.exprtype = "TypeVar"; = name;
this.exprType = "TypeVar";
return this;
TypeVar.prototype = TypeExpression;
function TypeOp(name) { = name;
this.val = name;
this.exprType = "TypeOperator";
return this;
TypeOp.prototype = TypeExpression;
function isTypeExpr(expr) {
if (!expr.exprType) {
throw errors.JInternalError(expr);
return ((expr.exprType === "TypeOperator") ||
(expr.exprType === "TypeVar") ||
(expr.exprType === "TypeDeclaration"));
function TypeDecl(expression, type) {
if (isTypeExprRec(expression) &&
expression.exprType !== "Name") {
throw errors.JSyntaxError(
"Left-hand-side of type declaration must not be in the type language"
if (isTypeExprRec(type).failed) {
throw errors.JInternalError(
"Right-hand-side of type declaration must be a type expression"
this.expression = expression;
this.type = type;
this.exprType = "TypeDeclaration";
return this;
TypeDecl.prototype = TypeExpression;
function DefType(lhs, rhs) {
/* Both rhs and lhs are expected
* to be fully desugared already
if (isTypeExprRec(rhs).failed ||
!isTypeExpr(lhs)) {
throw errors.JSyntaxError(
"Illegal type definition, both sides must be valid type expressions");
this.rhs = rhs;
this.lhs = lhs;
this.exprType = "TypeDefinition";
return this;
DefType.prototype = Expression;
function checkName(exp) {
if (exp.exprType !== "Name") {
throw errors.JSyntaxError(
"Expected a type variable (an identifier starting with a lowercase character), got " + exp.val);
function DataType(name, params, type) {
/* Params is a list of type variables
* type is a type expression
if (name.exprType !== "TypeOperator") {
throw errors.JSyntaxError(
"First element in a data type definition must be its name " +
"which is a type operator");
_.each(params, checkName);
if (isTypeExprRec(type).failed) {
throw errors.JSyntaxError(
"Body of a type definition must be a valid type expression");
} = name;
this.params = params;
this.type = type;
this.exprType = "TypeFuncDefinition";
return this;
/* Applies the function ``name'' to the list of parameters */
function makeApp(name, parameters) {
if (parameters) {
return parameters.slice(1).reduce(function(f, ident) {
return new App(f, ident);
}, new App(name, parameters[0]));
else {
return new App(name);
function makeGensym() {
var n = 0;
return function() {
var x = "G"+n;
n = n + 1;
return x;
var gensym = makeGensym();
OPInfo = {
"::" : [2, "Left"],
"," : [1, "Left"],
"->" : [1, "Right"]
module.exports =
IntT : IntT,
FloatT : FloatT,
StrT : StrT,
BoolT : BoolT,
ListT : ListT,
FuncT : FuncT,
App : App,
Name : Name,
Def : Def,
OpT : OpT,
OPInfo : OPInfo,
makeApp : makeApp,
If : If,
DefFunc : DefFunc,
UnaryOp : UnaryOp,
Nil : Nil,
LetExp : LetExp,
gensym : gensym,
TypeVar : TypeVar,
TypeOp : TypeOp,
TypeDecl : TypeDecl,
Closure : Closure,
isTypeExpr : isTypeExprRec,
DefType : DefType,
DataType : DataType