Lazily plays media
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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#lang racket
(require web-server/servlet
(require web-server/templates)
(require web-server/dispatch)
(require "links.rkt")
(require "command_parser.rkt")
(require xml)
(define (make-server player-thread parse-command)
(define (response/404 req)
(response 404 #"Not Found"
(λ (op) (write-bytes #"Not Found" op))))
(define (list->hash xs)
(let ([ht (make-hash)])
(λ (item)
(if (pair? item)
(hash-set! ht (car item) (cdr item))
(error "not a pair"))) xs)
(define-values (lazyplay-dispatch lazyplay-url)
[("getcategory") category-response]
[("categories") category-list-response]
[("favicon.ico") response/404]
[("add") add-name]
[else user-list]))
;; Returns all of the videos for a user
(define (user-list req)
(retrieve-videos (path/param-path (car (url-path (request-uri req))))))))
;; Adds a new resource to the lazyplay queue
(define (add-name req)
(let ([name (hash-ref
(list->hash (url-query (request-uri req)))
(thread-send player-thread (add-resources "add" (list name)))
(response/xexpr (string->xexpr (include-template "./sent.html")))))
;; Lists all the available categories
(define (category-list-response req)
(response/xexpr (string->xexpr (include-template "./categories.html"))))
;; Gets a category listing
(define (category-response req)
(let* ([query-data (url-query (request-uri req))]
[query-hash (list->hash query-data)]
[categoryname (hash-ref query-hash 'category)]
[categories (get-category categoryname)])
(response/xexpr (string->xexpr (include-template "./main.html")))))
#:servlet-regexp #px""
#:launch-browser? #f
#:banner? #f
#:port 8080))
(provide make-server)