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fixes #16

Wesley Kerfoot 4 years ago
  1. 35


@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ proc zipperRemove[T](zipper: Zipper[T], item: T) : Zipper[T] =
result.rhs = result.lhs.reversed
result.lhs = @[]
proc zipperExists[T](zipper: Zipper[T], item: T) : bool =
return (zipper.lhs.anyIt(it == item) or
zipper.rhs.anyIt(it == item))
proc unpackPropValue(typeFormat : int,
nItems : int,
buf : ptr cuchar) : seq[uint] =
@ -468,17 +472,7 @@ when isMainModule:
start.subWindow = None
var openProcesses = initTable[int, Process]() # hashset of processes
var windowZipper : Zipper[TWindow]
# When a window is opened: goes on the top of the rhs stack, focus is moved to it
# When a window is destroyed:
# if it is the current focus:
# remove it from the zipper and focus on the next rhs window, or move the the start of the lhs, or do nothing if no other windows
# if it is not the current focus:
# remove it from the zipper, and keep the current focus
# When focus is changed:
# simply move the focus pointer right, wrapping around if necessary
var windowZipper : Zipper[TWindow] # zipper to track window focus
discard XSetErrorHandler(handleBadWindow)
discard XSetIOErrorHandler(handleIOError)
@ -569,13 +563,25 @@ when isMainModule:
elif (ev.theType == UnmapNotify):
# Switch focus potentially when a window is unmapped
windowZipper = windowZipper.zipperRemove(ev.xunmap.window)
if display.shouldTrackWindow(ev.xunmap.window.addr):
echo "unmapped window = ", ev.xunmap.window
if windowZipper.zipperExists(ev.xunmap.window):
windowZipper = windowZipper.zipperRemove(ev.xunmap.window)
let focus = windowZipper.zipperFocus
if focus.isSome:
echo "newly focused window = ", focus.get
discard display.XSetInputFocus(focus.get, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime)
discard display.XRaiseWindow(focus.get)
elif (ev.theType == FocusIn):
let currentFocus = windowZipper.zipperFocus
let windowStack = map(toSeq(getChildren(display)), (w) =>
if currentFocus.isSome:
if currentFocus.get != ev.xfocus.window:
# restack it
windowZipper.rhs = windowStack.reversed
windowZipper.lhs = @[]
elif (ev.theType == MapNotify) and (ev.xmap.override_redirect == 0):
let rootAttrs = getAttributes(display, root.addr)
if rootAttrs.isSome:
@ -593,6 +599,9 @@ when isMainModule:
discard display.XSetInputFocus(ev.xmap.window, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime)
# Listen for FocusChange (FocusIn/FocusOut) events on the window
display.changeEvMask(ev.xmap.window.addr, FocusChangeMask)
elif (ev.theType == MotionNotify) and (start.subWindow != None):
# Discard any following MotionNotify events
